City County Observer Mole
City County Observer Mole
IS IT TRUE that extremely popular Evansville City Chief Deputy Clerk Lynn Buhr shall retire in January, 2014? …that Lynn has honorable served the taxpayers of this community for many years and we wish her well in her retirement?
IS IT TRUE we hear that City Clerk Laura Brown Windhorst  appointed a person to the soon to be vacated Chief  Deputy Clerk position who works for the Department of Metropolitan Development?  …we wonder if any of the present employees that work in the City Clerk office were  considered for the Deputy Clerk position?
IS IT TRUE the resolution that was recently passed by City Council concerning same sex marriage laid on a city employee desk for two weeks before it was sent it to the Governors office? …we like to thank the President of City Council Connie Robinson for finding this mistake and had it forward  to the Governors office?
IS IT TRUE that only one Diesel Trucking repair company submitted a bid to repair 25 City of Evansville Diesel trucks?  …that the only bid presented to the Evansville Safety Board last week to repair city trucks is located in Henderson Kentucky? …we ask the President of a local trucking company why he didn’t bid on this Request For Proposal to repair 25 city owned Diesel trucks? …we were told  it was a waste of time to submit bids to the Evansville Safety Board because they seemly don’t approve  lowest bids anyway”?  …that 2 years ago Hamrick Towing Company submitted the lowest bid to do the City of Evansville towing work?  …the Evansville Safety Board awarded the towing contract to a higher bidder?
IS IT TRUE that we hear past City Council member and former City Fire Chief Keith Jarboe has almost decided to run for County Commissioner seat now held by Marsha Abell?  …we predict that Jarboe shall be spending a great deal of his time on the campaign trail explaining his past positions on closing 2 neighborhood  fire stations, his stance the Unification of City and County Government, support on building the Ford Center and tearing down Robert;s Stadium and his attendance and role at the Homestead Credit meeting while he was President of Evansville Council and other votes he casts  during the 8 years he served on City Council?


  1. Do you know for a fact that no one from the city clerks
    office was concidered for the job or is that just more civic
    center bullshit

  2. Our local government is full of nepotism and backscratching. Why do you think you keep seeing the same people moving from different departments every few years?

  3. That Laura Brown isn’t even 30 years old and was appointed to her current position. I’m sure that wasn’t her call on that hire.

  4. Lynn Buhr is a lady who really had her act together, great attention to detail in her job.

    Lynn, you will be missed !

  5. Looks like Jarboe shall be starting his campaign on the defensive. Seems like he has a lot of past back room political deals to explain to the voters.

    Bottom line, if the race is between Marsha and Jarboe, Marsha wins. If Bruce Ungethiem runs against Marsha in the Republican Primary, he wins. Bruce wins the race between him and Jarboe.

    • Jarboe is a proxy vote for Weinzapfel on everything he does. If you liked Weinzapfel’s dirty dealing you will love his puppet Jarboe.

  6. I totally agree with Ellen. Looks like Jarboe has to much political baggage to win. The race for who shall be the next County Commissioner shall be between Marsha and Bruce,

  7. Is it true that the caucus elected City Clerk will have to see if the Evansville City Council will annex Jasper to get any votes from her soon to be appointed Deputy Chief as the soon to be Deputy Chief and her family are from there. The Clerk would be wise to see how caucus elected office holders have fared in a real election not the Weinzapfel rigged Democrat caucuses. Would the office holder who did not forward the City Council Resolution on Gay Marriage to the Govenor’s office be none other than the City Clerk? I can’t wait for 2015 it should be fun. Out with the bad in with the good.

    • Pretty young girls often get jobs handed to them that they’re not qualified for. Plenty of data to back this up.

      • Well they’re both women who are 30ish. I think pretty or young is a stretch. The standards of beauty are distorted on the west side. If you’re under 45, don’t have kids and weigh less than 300 pounds, you’re a “pretty young thing.”

    • I can’t wait until she realizes that she doesn’t have support from City Council in a primary.

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