Vanderburgh County Lawmakers Receive Summer Study Committee Appointments


JULY 6, 2021                                                                                                 

STATEHOUSE (July 6, 2021) – Vanderburgh County legislators recently received appointments to serve on interim study committees.

Throughout the summer and fall, Indiana state legislators serve on interim study committees where they work on policy, examine top issues, gather testimony and recommend legislation ahead of the legislative session kicking off in January.

State Rep. Wendy McNamara (R-Evansville) will serve as vice chair of the Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code.

“I look forward to serving as vice chair of this committee and delve into key topics like human trafficking, jail overcrowding, sentencing, incarceration and treatment,” McNamara said. “We will continue to analyze ways we can reduce crime rates throughout our state and keep all Hoosiers safe.”

McNamara was also appointed to the 18-member Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council, which is charged with conducting state-level reviews of corrections departments, county jails and probation services. Members will examine treatment and mental health services available for those in the criminal justice system.

McNamara will also serve on the board of trustees for the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, which is the state’s planning agency responsible for coordinating with local, state and federal entities to analyze emerging trends in criminal justice, law enforcement and public safety. The ICJI also develops new methods for crime prevention and reduction, and provides studies, data and analysis.

State Rep. Matt Hostettler (R-Patoka) will serve on the Interim Study Committee on Public Policy.

“Our government should always look at ways to cut red tape and streamline needlessly complicated processes for Hoosiers,” Hostettler said. “As a small-business owner, I understand the challenges that are out there and I don’t want to see government unnecessarily stand in the way. This summer, we will look at restrictions on out-of-state licenses for those who want to practice an occupation in Indiana. With so much interstate commerce in Vanderburgh, Gibson, Knox, Pike and Posey counties, this is an issue that’s beneficial to discuss for our state’s economic growth.”

State Rep. Tim O’Brien (R-Evansville) will serve as a member of the Transborder Water Resources Authority.

“This is a critical topic that truly affects the people of Evansville,” O’Brien said. “Our waterways are a major resource for the area and strong interstate partnerships are key to continued economic growth. It’s helpful to have these ongoing discussions about the shared water resources on our state’s southern border and ways we can all benefit.”

Members of the public are welcomed to attend and testify at committee hearings, which typically occur at the Statehouse in Indianapolis. Hearings are also livestreamed and archived online at, where committee calendars and meeting agendas are posted.

To learn more about the topics state legislators will be examining in the coming months, visit