Independence Day Celebration 2021


  The City of Evansville and Tropicana are hosting an Independence Day Celebration on July 4, 2021, in the downtown area of Dress Plaza.

 In the interest of safety and security for the visitors to this event, the Evansville Police Department is reminding people that:

  • Children under the age of 18 should be supervised by a parent (Due to the large number of expected visitors, we ask parents of young children to take a picture of their child with their phone before arriving at the event in the case that child gets lost or fails to return home. The recent picture can be forwarded to the police for identification purposes). 
  • No fireworks of any type
  • Skateboards, bicycles, or scooters are not allowed
  • Drones or RC Aircraft are not permitted
  • See Something, Say Something! Report suspicious items or activity.

Once the fireworks display is over, expect delays in leaving the downtown area. There will be officers working several intersections directing motorists on the proper exit routes.  Officers have been instructed to move traffic away from the downtown area. 

 No traffic is allowed heading towards the downtown area immediately following the fireworks display. This is to ensure a smooth flow of traffic for people exiting this event and to not create gridlock. 

 Once the majority of vehicle traffic has left the downtown area the intersections will be opened back up. 

 Thanks for helping make this event safe and enjoyable for everyone!!
