Breakfast with John Gregg for the American Rescue PlanTown Hall



Hey – We’ve got 3 VERY IMPORTANT events we need you to know about this month!

#1 – THIS SATURDAY – Breakfast with John Gregg for the American Rescue PlanTown Hall

Please join us THIS Saturday – June 19 – from 9 AM – 11 PM – for a presentation on the American Rescue Plan and how it affects Southwestern Indiana.

FREE continental breakfast will be served from 8:30 – 9:00 AM prior to the presentation.

We are inviting ALL Precinct Committeepersons and Neighborhood Leader Volunteers to join us!

Location: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 16 Hall, 9001 N. Kentucky Ave., Evansville, IN 47725.

Alex Burton, Political Director of VCDP and 4th Ward City Councilor will begin our program with a commemoration of Juneteenth.

John Gregg, former speaker of the Indiana House, Ryan Hatfield, State Representative District 77, Zac Heronemus, Third Ward City Councilors and Allyson Shelby, Newburgh Town Councilor will present information on the impact to our local programs and budgets.

Follow the event on Facebook

#2 – Someone will win $2,500 on July 4.. and tickets are still available!

We’ve selected SEVEN $150 winners last week. This week’s seven winners will receive $200 each!

If you don’t play, you won’t WIN! Thousands in CASHwill be won in the next 3 weeks. Next week each winner will receive $250.

Tickets can be purchased by calling Cheryl @ (812) 459-7645.

** The Red, White & Blue Raffle is one of our biggest fundraisers to support voter registration initiatives – one of our most important objectives. We depend on the support of our community.

** PLEASE do your best to support VCDP and share with others!

Only 300 tickets sold and EVERY purchased ticket has a chance in EVERY drawing.. including the GRAND PRIZE!


Tickets can be purchased until July 3 by calling Cheryl @ (812) 459-7645.

Winners are announced DAILY on our Facebook page.

Follow our Facebook page for the next winner

** The Red, White & Blue Raffle is one of our BIGGEST fundraisers to support voter registration initiatives – one of VCDP’s most important objectives.

#3 (Last, but DEFINITELY not least!) – the PRO Act.

13 Ways the PRO Act Helps Working People

1. Strengthens employees’ bargaining rights.

2. Holds corporations accountable.

3. Increases wages.

4. Increases workplace safety.

5. Addresses inequality.

6. Expands civil rights.

7. Protects collective action and removes barriers to worker voice.

8. Modernizes the union election and enforcement processes.

9. Ensures most workers are included under NLRA protections.

10. Repeals “right to work” laws.

11. Helps fix the economy.

12. Helps fix our democracy.

13. Gives working people a real say in our future.

Call your senators today at 866-832-1560 and urge them to pass the PRO Act.

Learn More

If you’re still reading – we WANT to hear from you! Reach out to our leadership team OR message us online ANYTIME for questions or volunteer opportunities.

We are ALWAYS looking for talented individuals to help us WIN elections!


Cheryl Schultz, Chair
Nick Iaccarino, Vice Chair
Melissa Moore, Secretary
Ann Wallis, Treasurer

Alex Burton, Political Director
Edie Hardcastle, Grassroots Coordinator

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