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Clean Evansville

cityofevansvilleVolunteers target U.S. 41 & Lloyd Expressway interchange
Date:12/7/2013 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location:U.S. 41 & Lloyd Expwy
Evansville, Indiana 47712
Clean Evansville volunteers will target areas around the city’s busiest traffic interchanges during the monthly trash pick-up on Saturday, December 7, from 9 to 11 a.m. The teams will gather at locations near the Lloyd Expressway and U.S. 41 to collect litter along service roads and through some neighborhoods south and west of the interchange.

Teams will start at the intersection of East Franklin and Canal streets. Other teams will start at the intersection of South Kerth Avenue and Sycamore Street. The teams will move from the interchange west toward Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. They will meet at the parking lot behind the Civic Center adjacent to the CK Newsome Community Center to deposit trash collected during the clean-up. Clean Evansville has partnered with Allied Waste to depose of all trash.

Keep Evansville Beautiful coordinates volunteers for the monthly clean-ups. Anyone interested in joining for forming a team should contact Mike McGarrah at 425-4461.


  1. Dress warm,there,bring some shoes you can walk or have some kind of traction on ice with.

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