New Department Of Insurance Commissioner Appointed


INDIANAPOLIS – Gov. Eric J. Holcomb today announced that he has selected Amy Beard as the new commissioner of the Indiana Department of Insurance (IDOI).

“Amy has the right skill set, experience, and dedication to providing great government service to Hoosiers as they purchase insurance that they need to protect their properties and families,” Gov. Holcomb said. “Her experience at IDOI has been broad, from her work with the Indiana Patient’s Compensation Fund and on legislative issues, to her command of the required legal and financial filings of an insurance holding companies.”

Beard has eight years of experience at IDOI, including five years as general counsel. She has been responsible for the review of multimillion-dollar transactions regarding insurance holding companies, ensured the state met all national accreditation standards, and served on the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission Regulatory Counsel Committee.

She earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Southern Indiana and her law degree from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.

The Department of Insurance protects Hoosiers as they purchase and use insurance products to keep their assets and their families from loss or harm. The agency also monitors the financial solvency of Indiana insurance companies.

Beard replaces Stephen W. Robertson, who is stepping down on June 1 after 11 years as commissioner. Beard begins her tenure as a commissioner on June 2.