Sky Zone Evansville to Unveil Wall of Support for Youth First, Inc.


Gift Will Strengthen Students with Mental Health Supports and Programs

On Tuesday, April 13 at 9 am at Sky Zone Trampoline Park Evansville, owner Craig Love and his staff will unveil the new Youth First Wall of Support. The media is invited to this important announcement.

The prominently displayed wall features twelve local businesses who have come together to help Youth First, Inc. strengthen students and families with a total donation of $11,000.

Just as Sky Zone embraces play and physical fitness for kids, Love and his team want kids to be armed with social and emotional resources too.

Youth First partners with school districts across Indiana to embed social workers in school buildings, where they become specialized mentors for students and prevention coaches for parents and teachers. Youth First Social Workers build caring relationships, foster readiness for positive change, and boost resiliency along with equipping students with valuable life skills. Their presence also contributes to a healthier and safer school environment.

Tuesday’s wall unveiling and check presentation will take place at Sky Zone Trampoline Park Evansville located at 49 N. Green River Road.

The media is invited to attend this important event highlighting a thriving community partnership. In attendance will be representatives from Sky Zone Evansville, Youth First, and each of the supporting businesses.