*By registering as a volunteer at this event you acknowledge all terms, conditions, and code of conduct stipulations.
3rd Annual Veterans Appreciation Day presented by the Veterans Support Council of Indiana, Inc.
Hosted by the VSC of Indiana, Inc., the 3rd Annual Veterans Appreciation Day is 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 1 at Active Grace at Camp Camby 10740 E. Cr 700 S. Camby, IN 46113. Special guest Jan Brown, AMVETS National Commander, will be in attendance along with veteran resource groups, the IDVA, and more. Military veterans of all eras are invited to participate. Please come so we can thank you for your service and sacrifice. For more information e-mail vscofindiana@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page.
Return of the Legends wrestling experience benefits HVAF, enterains May 1 at Tyndall Armory
After a 30-year hiatus, the Midwestern Championship International Wrestling federation (MCIW) announced it will host its Return of the Legends match at the Tyndall Armory on May 1. A portion of the show’s proceeds will go to Helping Veterans and Families of Indiana (HVAF).