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In This Issue


Indiana library jobs


This week’s new Indiana library jobs

Teen Engagement Specialist
Bartholomew County Public Library

Information Services Assistant (part-time)
Brownsburg Public Library

Indiana Room Assistant (part-time)
Hamilton East Public Library

Public Services Librarian
Hamilton East Public Library

Area Resources Manager
Indianapolis Public Library

Teen/Adult Programmer
Jasper-Dubois County Contractual Public Library

Public Services Assistant (part-time)
Middlebury Community Public Library

Adult Services Manager
North Madison County Public Library System

ILS System Administrator
St. Joseph County Public Library

If you would like your Indiana library job posting to be listed in the Wednesday Word, the position and its description, must be submitted to the Indiana State Library. Click herefor submission guidelines and to submit.

In the news

Indiana Library News

Is your library making news?

Library offering legal free consultations
Batesville Memorial Public Library

Libraries find ways to adapt in pandemic
Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County, Eckhart Public Library, Kendallville Public Library and LaGrange County Public Library

Library expands with Evergreen system
Sheridan Public Library

Westfield Library Foundation receives $11,000 grant
Westfield Washington Public Library

*Please consult local news sources and library websites for the latest information on the closures and re-openings of libraries and the cancellations of scheduled library events and programs in relation to COVID-19.

Email news links for inclusion in the Wednesday Word’s “In the news” section.

To be featured in the Wednesday Word, please email a press release and a photo.


State Library blog


Follow the Indiana State Library’s blog for weekly posts covering all aspects of the State Library. Visit the blog here.

If you are an Indiana library employee and would like to contribute a guest blog, please send us an email here with your idea.

Miss an issue of the Wednesday Word?

Back issues of the Wednesday Word are available here.

Free training for librarians and library employees on LinkedIn Learning


2021 Budget Workshop registration now open

ISLLogoRegistration is now open for the Indiana State Library’s 2021 Annual Public Library Budget Workshop.

The Budget Workshop is recommended for public library directors, business managers, bookkeepers, treasurers and library trustees. Fred Van Dorp of the Department of Local Government Finance and Todd Caldwell and Susan Gordon of the State Board of Accounts will review changes and share information on federal and state legislative actions and financial and budgetary changes that are helpful in the public library budgetary planning process.

This year’s workshop will be held on Thursday, May 27 and repeated on Wednesday, June 2. The schedule for both workshops will go as follows: Fred Van Dorp of the Department of Local Government Finance speak from 9:30-11:30 a.m; a lunch break will occur from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m; Todd Caldwell and Susan Gordon of the State Board of Accounts will present from 1-3 p.m; and the day will end with announcements from the Indiana State Library.

Both sessions will be held virtually via Zoom and each session will be worth four general LEUs for Indiana library staff. Library staff should only attend one of the two workshops.

For those unable to attend on either day, a recording will be made available following the workshop. Handouts and recordings, when available, will be located here and here.

Click here to register for the May 27 workshop or click here to register for the June 2 workshop.

Please contact Hayley Trefun, public library consultant in the Library Development Office at the Indiana State Library, with any questions about the Annual Budget Workshop.

Next round of Toucan Tuesdays interviews announced

toucanThe Indiana Center for the Book and the Indiana State Library have announced the next round of the interview series Toucan Tuesdays at 2:00! The interviews are presented in a series of videos in which the library’s chatty correspondent, Sammy the Interviewing Toucan, speaks with Indiana authors. Each interview will debut as a Facebook Premiere at 2 p.m. every Tuesday from April 6 through May 25.

This round of interviews will feature the following Indiana authors on the following dates:

– April 6, Donna Griffin
– April 13, Holly Niner
– April 2o, Kristi Valiant
– April 27, Mike Mullin
– May 4, D. Linn Whorley
– May 11, Sharon Vargo
– May 18, Ray Boomhower
– May 25, Kathy Doherty

The interviews can be viewed on the Indiana State Library’s Facebook page. After making their premieres on social media, the full interviews will be available to stream on the Indiana State Library’s YouTube page.

Please contact Suzanne Walker, director of the Indiana Center for the Book, with any questions.

New roundtable for webmasters

webmasterThe Indiana State Library is currently gauging interest in the formation of a Webmaster Roundtable group.

Those who check source code on their library’s webpages and understand terms like WYSIWYG, HTML, TAGS, CSS, plugin, UX, ALT tag, CMS, SEO and  JavaScript are invited to join. The group will aim to connect Indiana library staff members who are tasked with maintaining their library’s website.

The Webmaster Roundtable will be a place where webmasters can share skills, brainstorm and mentor each other. The group is open to those who are self-taught, have taken university level courses in computer science or who are just winging it. All are welcome to join the discussion.

Those who are interested are encouraged to fill out a Webmaster Roundtable interest survey or to pass the survey along to applicable library staff members.

The first meeting will take place virtually. In-person discussions may occur later in the year, depending on the status of the current health crisis. Those interested will be contacted in April with the details of the first meeting.

Please contact Paula Newcom, Northeast regional coordinator at the Indiana State Library, with any questions.

Upcoming workshops & important dates

Leap into Science – Light & Shadows Virtual Training
When: April 6, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Where: Webinar

Affordable After Hours Pick-up Service
When: April 7, 10-11 a.m.
Where: Webinar

Booklists and Collection Analysis Tools for Public Library Youth Services
When: April 12, 3-4 p.m.
Where: Webinar

What’s Up Wednesday – Get INSPIRED: EBSCO Ebooks
When: April 14, 10-11 a.m.
Where: Webinar

What’s Up Wednesday: Mental Maintenance
When: April 28, 10-11 a.m.
Where: Webinar

Critical Hit: Using Dungeons and Dragons to Gamify Training and Evaluation
When: May 11, 10-11 a.m.
Where: Webinar

What’s Up Wednesday – Get INSPIRED: Live Demo and Q&A
When: May 12, 10-11 a.m.
Where: Webinar

Libraries Will Save the World! Implementing Sustainability at Your Library
When: May 26, 10-11 a.m.
Where: Webinar

Government Information Minute

Welcome to the Government Information Minute. Every other week, government information librarians at the Indiana State Library cover current resources on governmental data at the state, national and international levels, all to keep the public well-informed. Follow the Indiana State Data Center on Facebook and Twitter and feel free to leave comments and suggestions.

Tax season and stimulus check resources


It’s tax season for Americans. Due to the pandemic and the recent circulation of the stimulus package, the traditional tax filing deadline of April 15 has been changed to May 17. That deadline applies to both state and federal taxes. The IRS has made it easy to file, as well as check the status of one’s refund online. Hoosiers can also file, pay or check the status of their return on state taxes online.

The IRS is also responsible for disseminating tax refunds and stimulus checks. The agency has created a couple of tools to help individuals check on the status of both. Hoosiers looking to find the status of their stimulus check can search the Get My Payment tool. The online tool is the only option to check on the status and is updated daily. There are also resources to check on the first and second stimulus checks. Individuals who did not receive the full amount of either payments may be eligible for the 2020 Recovery Rebate Credit.

Jefferson County Public Library announces first Founders’ Day speaker


Lori Rader-Day

On Tuesday, April 20, the Madison Public Library – the main branch of the Jefferson County Public Library – will host award-winning author Lori Rader-Day for a behind-the-scenes look at a mystery writer’s process and experience. Beginning at 6 p.m., the evening will include an online presentation and will end with a Q&A session by the author.

Rader-Day uses Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin as the settings for her fiction. She is the Edgar Award-nominated and Anthony and Mary Higgins Clark award-winning author of “The Lucky One,” “Under a Dark Sky,” “The Day I Died,” “Little Pretty Things” and “The Black Hour.” Her short fiction has been previously published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, TimeOut Chicago, Crab Orchard Review, Freight Stories and in the anthologies “Dia de los Muertos,” “Unloaded 2” and “Murder-a-Go-Go’s.” Bestselling author Jodi Picoult chose her story as the grand prize winner of Good Housekeeping’s first fiction contest.

Originally from central Indiana, Rader-Day studied journalism at Ball State University in Muncie and studied creative writing at Roosevelt University in Illinois. She is an adjunct faculty member for the MA/MFA creative writing program at Northwestern University’s School of Professional Studies. A resident of Chicago for twenty years, she is active in the area’s crime-writing community and is the current national president of Sisters in Crime, and a member of Mystery Writers of America and International Thriller Writers. She is also the co-chair of Murder and Mayhem in Chicago, a one-day mystery readers’ conference.

JCPL was founded on April 18, 1818. The library has celebrated its own annual Founders’ Day since their bicentennial observance.

The program is sponsored in part by the Indiana Humanities’ Novel Conversations Speakers Program, with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Click here to register.IND