Commission on Homelessness Conducts COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

    virus shot

    The Commission on Homelessness for Evansville and Vanderburgh County today announced that it is partnering with the Vanderburgh County Health Department and Ascension St. Vincent Evansville to conduct on-site COVID-19 vaccination clinics for area homeless shelters and housing agencies using 300 doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

    The Vanderburgh County Health Department is conducting vaccination clinics to provide 100 vaccine doses to residents and clients of ECHO Housing at its facilities on Thursday and Friday, March 18 and 19, 2021. In addition, Ascension St. Vincent Evansville allocated 200 doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine to the Commission that an Ascension/Commission team is administering to clients of United Caring Services (UCS), Evansville Rescue Mission, Aurora Inc., The House of Bread and Peace, Ozanam Family Shelter, YWCA Evansville, and Albion Fellows Bacon Center. The team conducted clinics last week at UCS and Evansville Rescue Mission, and will complete them for the remaining agencies this Friday, March 19, 2021.

    The Johnson & Johnson vaccine provides one-step convenience for people experiencing homelessness by eliminating the need for a second dose that other vaccines require.

    “The Commission’s vaccination clinics are part of Indiana’s statewide vaccine roll-out to people in congregate living facilities, including homeless shelters and individuals experiencing homelessness,” said Timothy Weir, Administrator of the Commission on Homelessness. “The Commission appreciates the collaboration of the City of Evansville, the Vanderburgh County Health Department, Ascension St. Vincent, and all participating agencies in providing COVID-19 vaccinations to this vulnerable population.”

    About the Commission on Homelessness

    The Commission on Homelessness was formed in 2005 to oversee and facilitate the implementation of Destination: Home – The Plan to End Homelessness and ensure that its strategies continue moving forward.

    The Commission’s purpose is to make non-binding recommendations to local governments, non-profit organizations, and other interested agencies concerning the long-term plan to end homelessness.