Crouch Statement On Holli Sullivan’s Secretary Of State Appointment


STATEHOUSE (March 16, 2021) – Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch gave the following statement regarding Gov. Eric J. Holcomb appointing State Rep. Holli Sullivan (R-Evansville) as the next Indiana Secretary of State:

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“Representative Sullivan will serve Hoosiers well in her new role. She has shown exceptional leadership skills in regards to our elections in her time at the Statehouse, where she has served on the House Elections and Apportionment Committee, and worked with the Secretary of State prior to the 2020 election to fund critical cybersecurity improvements. While I will miss having her as my hometown representative, I know all Hoosiers will benefit as she becomes Indiana’s next Secretary of State.”

FOOTNOTE: The Lieutenant Governor constitutionally serves as the President of the Indiana Senate, statutorily serves as the Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development, chairs the Indiana Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Task Force and oversees four state agencies.