ICYMI | WSJ Opinion: Braun Resists The Democratic Ban On State Tax Cuts.


Braun For The States
A GOP Senator resists the Democratic ban on state tax cuts.
The Wall Street Journal
The Editorial Board

The Democratic sneak attack on states that run sound fiscal policies is finding a note of resistance. Indiana Senator Mike Braun read our editorial this week and has introduced legislation that would remove the language that Democrats put into their $1.9 trillion spending bill at the last minute to ban state tax cuts through 2024.

“Democrats are trying to ban states from cutting taxes with a sneaky amendment to the $1.9 trillion so-called COVID relief package,” said Mr. Braun in a press release Thursday. “Not only did this blue state bailout bill penalize states for reopening by calculating state funds based on unemployment, now they are trying to use it as a back door to ban states from cutting taxes. My bill would make sure they don’t get away with it.”

National Democrats used their spending bill to give more money to states, largely Democratic, that locked down their economies the longest. Then they told states with better economies that they can’t cut taxes if they also accept their share of the $1.9 trillion.

This is a great issue for Republicans. Washington imperialism won’t go over well in many states, and GOP Governors and Senators ought to make voters aware that the Biden-Pelosi Democrats want to run their states too.


  1. Wake up Republicans!

    Follow the GOP, not Trump.
    Trump lost us the Senate, lost us the White House, and in 2018 handed the House to Nancy Pelosi.

    You want more of that? NOT ME.

    (Thank you Gov. Braun.)

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