Agenda Of The Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners

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AGENDA Of The Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners on March 16, 2021

  1. Reconvene Emergency Meeting
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Permission to Open Bids: VC21-02-02: Milling and Resurfacing of County Roads
  5. Discussion Items: 
    1. Amy Devries: CAJE Presentation, Ark Crisis Center
    2. Frontier Geospatial Old Courthouse Geosync Site Presentation
  6. Action Items 
    1. Health Department
      1. COVID-19 Vaccination Update
      2. Naloxone Distribution Grant
      3. Memorandum of Understanding with Deaconess Health System
    2. First Reading of CO.03-21-006: An Ordinance Amending Vacation Time Policies of the Vanderburgh County Code
    3. Public Hearing and Final Reading of CO.V-03-21-002: An Ordinance to Vacate a 12’ Public Utility Easement at 601 Lemay Drive
    4. Final Reading of Ordinance CO.03-21-004: Amending Ch. 10.24.060: Weight Restrictions on Certain Bridges
    5. Public Defender: 
      1. Agreement for Professional Services for Special Public Defenders
      2. Agreement for Professional Services for Appeal Attorneys
    6. County Auditor: Midwest Behavior Health for Professional Services Contract
    7. Cooperative Extension: 2021 Contractual Services and MOU for Purdue Cooperative Extension
    8. County Clerk: Official Records Online Service Agreement with Fidlar Technologies
    9. Superintendent of County Buildings: Fosse and Associates Lease Renewal
  7. Department Head Reports
  8. New Business
  9. Old Business
  10. Consent Items
    1. Approval of March 2, 2021 Emergency Meeting Minutes
    2. Approval of the 2021 Road Hearing Minutes
    3. Employment Changes 
    4. County Engineer: Department Report Claims
    5. Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare Financial Report
    6. County Auditor: Claims Voucher Reports 3/1/2021 through 3/5/2021 & 3/8/2021 through 3/12/2021
  11. Public Comment
  12. Recess Meeting