COVID-19 Crisis Response Fund Announces $150,000 Welborn Baptist Foundation Match 


     Evansville, IN – The COVID-19 Crisis Response Fund of the Greater Evansville Region is excited to announce a $150,000 match made available from the Welborn Baptist Foundation. This allows for every dollar you donate to the COVID-19 Crisis Response Fund of the Greater Evansville Region to be matched dollar for dollar up to $150,000. 

    In 2020, Welborn Baptist Foundation graciously supported the fund with a $300,000 gift. These dollars helped to launch the fund, in partnership with a handful of other local organizations, with initial financial and in-kind support. Now, 11 months later, the fund’s positive impact can clearly be seen resulting in Welborn Baptist’s Foundation decision to support the fund again with the match. 

    “Our hope was that those “first in dollars” would catalyze broader support and awareness of the fund’s purposes and potential impact. We hope our matching grant will again catalyze broader and confident giving to meet the $6,000,000 goal,” said Pat Creech, Welborn Baptist Foundation Executive Director. 

    Currently, more than $5,640,000 has been committed toward the $6 million goal. To donate today, visit or text the phrase “dowhatyoucan” to 41-444. Checks will also be accepted at all Old National Bank and Heritage Federal Credit Union branches. Checks should be made payable to United Way of Southwestern Indiana and all donations should reference “COVID-19 Crisis Response Fund of the Greater Evansville Region (or GERF)” in the memo. Contributions may also be mailed to: United Way of Southwestern Indiana, 318 Main Street, Suite 504, EÂ