Braun Asks Becerra Not Use Taxpayer Money To Fund Abortion 


Braun Asks Becerra Not Use Taxpayer Money To Fund Abortion 

Today, in a hearing of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, Senator Mike Braun asked Xavier Becerra, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, if he will commit to not using taxpayer money to fund abortions and abortion procedures.

President Biden has said he supports eliminating the Hyde Amendment, a provision in spending bills which bars taxpayer money from being used to fund abortion. Last month, President Biden reversed the ban on federal funds for international aid groups that perform abortions.

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For many of us, your record has been very extreme on abortion issues. Other pro-life groups have put a lot of information out there that you’ve been against Pro-Life causes on the record, as well as issues with religious liberty, manifesting itself where you took the Little Sisters of the Poor to court.

If you’re confirmed and you’re the HHS secretary, you’ll be representing everybody: Will you commit to not using taxpayer money to fund abortions and abortion providers?


[…] While we probably will not agree on all the issues, I can say to you that we will follow the law when it comes to the use of federal resources. There I can make that commitment that we will follow the law.


Not really the particular answer I was looking for, but I will take that because I want to move on to the next question.

Wall Street Journal | Biden Targets Abortion Restrictions as Fight Looms in Congress
“Echoing many Democrats and abortion-rights advocates, he has said he backs ending a provision in spending bills known as the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal funds from being used for abortions except in limited cases.” (Link)

BBC | Biden allows US aid for abortion providers and expands Obamacare
“US President Joe Biden has reversed a ban on federal funds going to international aid groups that perform or inform about abortions.” (Link)