An IBD/Crohns Disease Awareness & Fundraiser is being held at Club Royale on December 4th, 2010


An IBD/Crohns Disease Awareness & Fundraiser is being held at Club Royale on December 4th, 2010.

We are seeking items for the chinese auction and help with side dish items for the bbq plate luncheon. If you can help in any way it would be greatly appreicated.

This will be an all day event with live entertainment (singer/acoustic performers, comedian, aritistic dancers) beginning at 12 noon and continuing throughout the day. There will be a silent auction, photography and canvass art sale, 50/50 raffle and decorated cake competition. We also plan to have a BBQ plate luncheon if we get enough donations of sides dishes.

I have attached two personal stories and their fight with IBD and Crohns, namely Hilary’s Plight and Kasie’s Story. We hope to use the fundraiser to create much needed awareness about these awful diseases. Proceeds from the event will be used to help with medical expenses and costs that these individuals so desparately needed. A flyer for the event is also attached.

Help is needed with getting auction items as well as volunteers for the event.

Alternatrely, monetary Donations can be made during the event or
at any Old National Bank to the CROHNS TREATMENT FUND

If you have any quesitons on how to help or make donations please contact me at 812-499-7718.

Thank you for your support!
Mike Millard


  1. need more info. where is it to be held. what of other people who suffer with the disease and need assistance? is the fundraiser just for these 2 people?

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