Home Political News Bucshon Wants People To See AP Article

Bucshon Wants People To See AP Article





I wanted to pass along an AP article from today that discusses Former President Bill Clinton’s call for President Obama to honor his promise that, under ObamaCare, the American people can keep their current insurance if they like it.

Dr. Bucshon and his colleagues in the House are expected to vote Friday on H.R. 3350, the Keep Your Health Plan Act, a bill that keeps this promise to the American people.

We’ve heard members of both parties call for this type of fix and the House is working to provide millions of Americans the certainty that they can keep their current policies in 2014.




Clinton: Obama Should Honor Health Care Pledge

Associated Press
November 12, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Bill Clinton says President Barack Obama should find a way to let people keep their health coverage, even if it means changing the new insurance law.

Clinton says Obama should “honor the commitment that the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got.”

Obama has come under pressure in recent weeks as millions of Americans started receiving insurance cancellation letters. The president had repeatedly said people would not be forced to change their insurance under the new law.

The White House says it is working on changes that would ease the impact of the cancellations for some people. But the fixes under consideration are administrative actions, not congressional changes to the law.

Clinton spoke in an interview with the website OZY Media, posted Tuesday.

The full version can be found here: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_HEALTH_OVERHAUL_CLINTON?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT.