We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.
City-County Observer Comment Policy: Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language and/or insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE according to the Washington Post that former President Donald Trump issued a last minute directive to extend post presidency Secret Service Protection to his four adult children and their two spouses?   …this directive is highly unusual for a departing president to order protection to any relative who are adults that are long past their college years?
IS IT TRUE that yesterday a frail disabled homeless Veteran refused to leave Deaconess Hospital because he had no where to go was arrested by the Evansville Police for trespassing and taken to the Vanderburgh County Jail? …that this man’s circumstances are far more complex than initially reported by the local television news? …that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Office Chief Deputy Noah Robinson and EPD Officer Josh Brewer stepped up to help this man explores the generous Veterans benefits and services currently available to him? …that Chief Deputy Noah Robinson and EPD Officer Josh Brewer should be commended for their efforts in helping to find this disable Veteran the medical, financial and housing assistance?
IS IT TRUE we been told that community leaders are currently discussing merging all the local economic development organizations?  …this discussion includes the Southwest Indiana Chamber of Commerce, GAGE and the Economic Development Coalition? …we are also  told that members of the local business community are anxious to consummate this merger because it will save many thousands of dollars and will streamline the Economic Development marketing efforts?
IS IT TRUE that recent concerts and social gatherings at several local bars have caused outrage throughout our community? …that we hope that these bars start following the State Of Indiana and Vanderburgh County rules designed to help stop the spreading of the deadly COVID -19 virus?
IS IT TRUE we been told that Vanderburgh County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave has recommended  that the homeless people be given a financial incentive to take the COVID-19 vaccine shot ? …that Commissioner Musgrave raised this issue at a recent meeting of the Commission on Homelessness?  …her idea was flatly rejected by the powers that be because they felt that it would set a bad precedent?
IS IT TRUE that Deaconess and Ascension St. Vincent hospital’s continues to get high praise from area citizens and leaders in the community for their COVID 19 vaccination plans?  …that both hospitals have created an efficient, simple process to get thousands vaccinated?
IS IT TRUE  we are told that the owners of Woodland Park Apartments have a tremendous problem on their hands because of tenants trash is piling up?  …its been alleged that this problem is caused because of a lack of payment to Advanced Disposal Corp? …it been rumored that Republic Services Corp.will soon be taking over the trash service for Woodlawn Park Apartments? …this is a developing story?
IS IT TRUE people all over America are feeling the way that life has demolished by the “sheltering in place” orders that have prevented them from opening their businesses?…small businesses are the backbones on which the United States was built on? ..the “sheltering in place” decision leaves very little hope for people whose lives are entwined with their family-owned businesses?…this is something that should be addressed in any future stimulus package decisions?
IS IT TRUE that U S  Constitution gives presidents almost unfettered pardon power? …as long as a president steers clear of attempting to pardon a person in cases of impeachment, he is likely operating within his constitutional authority? … pardons can be given prospectively, meaning before a person is indicted or even charged with a crime?  … this is what happened in 1974 when President Gerald Fordprospectively pardoned President Richard Nixon shortly after his resignation?
IS IT TRUE that the modern history of presidential pardons is full of examples of presidents who provided a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” to friends, family members, and donors?  …that President Bill Clinton pardoned his half-brother, Roger Clinton, and campaign donor Marc Rich? …that former President Donald Trump pardoned the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, Scotter Libby after he was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice?
IS IT TRUE that a radio host was shocked to get a pardon, because he never asked Trump for one?
IS IT TRUE we are please with the way that local TV Channel 14 reporter Evan Gorman is providing the masses with accurate up-to-date local news?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty!
Todays ‘Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the taxpayers should provide former President Donald Trumps four (4) adult children Secret Service protection?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “OBITUARIES, LEFT JAB, AND RIGHT JAB,  BIRTHDAYS, AND HOT JOBS” posted in our sections.
 Oh, you now are able to subscribe to the CCO on a daily basis at no cost.
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  1. Trump should have pardoned Hillary on the way out. It would have been Karma

    • Pardoned her for what?

      Defrauding Americans with a fake university and having to pay them $25 million? Having a fraudulent Foundation like Mop Head that spent the Foundations money on 6 foot portraits of Himself and also used it for campaign funds? Pardoned her for banging Johnny Wadd during her campaign and paying to cover it up with campaign funds?

      How about pardoning her for committing treason in Helsinki by throwing The United States of America under the bus to appease her banker?

      Oh Wait! Wrong person.

      But I’ll give you this Jose, the humiliation for the world to see of the storming of our Capitol by some of the most mentally challenged maggots in our country that she instigated she should be jailed for.

      Oh Wait!….

  2. Musgrave is right. Evansville needs real leadership that addresses Covid-19. You can’t win the Covid War sitting at your desk and smiling to the cameras, while businesses suffer. Trump tried that and lost. Congrats to Musgrave for addressing the question “what more can elected officials do”.

    • I absolutely agree with you and Commissioner Musgrave. The “bad precedent” argument just doesn’t hold water in a hundred years pandemic that has such a paralyzing effect on everyday life.

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