The Case to Prosecute President Obama for Fraud


Excerpts from Article by Andrew McCarthy

“If he were a CEO in the private sector, he’d be prosecuted for such deception.”

“‘If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan. Period.” How serious was this lie, repeated by Barack Obama with such beguiling regularity? Well, how would the Justice Department be dealing with it if it had been uttered by, say, the president of an insurance company rather than the president of the United States?”

“Fraud is a serious federal felony, usually punishable by up to 20 years’ imprisonment — with every repetition of a fraudulent communication chargeable as a separate crime.”

“Cases of multi-million-dollar corporate frauds — to say nothing of multi-billion-dollar, Bernie Madoff–level scams that nevertheless pale beside Obamacare’s dimensions — often result in terms amounting to decades in the slammer.”

“Justice Department guidelines, set forth in the U.S. Attorneys Manual, recommend prosecution for fraud in situations involving “any scheme which in its nature is directed to defrauding a class of persons, or the general public, with a substantial pattern of conduct.” So, for example, if a schemer were intentionally to deceive all Americans, or a class of Americans (e.g., people who had health insurance purchased on the individual market), by repeating numerous times — over the airwaves, in mailings, and in electronic announcements — an assertion the schemer knew to be false and misleading, that would constitute an actionable fraud — particularly if the statements induced the victims to take action to their detriment, or lulled the victims into a false sense of security.”

“A material omission is the intentional failure to state any fact the communication of which would be necessary to ensure that statements already made are not misleading. The concept of material omission is a staple of fraud prosecutions. A good example is the Obama Justice Department’s ongoing and transparently political effort to portray financial institutions — as opposed to government policies — as the proximate cause of the mortgage-industry collapse that resulted in our national economic meltdown.”

“Martha Stewart, naturally, was fearful that truthful statements would send the stock price plummeting. Obama, by comparison, was not lying merely to prevent a company from losing value. His fraud was, first, to induce passage of a plan designed gradually to destroy the private health-insurance market — a plan that barely passed and never would have been enacted if he’d been honest. And later, his fraud was to procure his reelection and the guaranteed implementation of Obamacare; had he been honest, he would have been defeated and Obamacare forestalled.”

“Barack Obama is guilty of fraud — serial fraud — that is orders of magnitude more serious than frauds the Justice Department routinely prosecutes, and that courts punish harshly. The victims will be out billions of dollars, quite apart from other anxiety and disruption that will befall them.”

“It is highly unlikely that Barack Obama will ever be impeached. It is certain that he will never again be trusted. Republicans and sensible Democrats take heed: The nation may not have the stomach to remove a charlatan, but the nation knows he is a charlatan. The American people will not think twice about taking out their frustration and mounting anger on those who collaborate in his schemes.”

Full Article:


  1. Oh surprise! The Teaparty nuts want the president impeached and charged criminally.

    Do you whackjobs hear yourselves? You sound absolutely crazy. It’s amazing to see how much hatred they can direct at this man. So you disagree with him politically, why should that make you lose all your common sense? Have some self-control and stop foaming at the mouth whenever you hear Obama’s name. It’s just embarrassing.

    • You didn’t even read the article before spouting your vile presumptive hate. The article makes no case for impeachment and doesn’t even call for it. What the article does and does well is clearly point out that if a private company executive did what President Obama has done that he would be under federal indictment for his deeds. It is true and you know it. You are seriously blowing your credibility faster than the President for opining on things you don’t even try to understand. You “KnowNothing” make the Tea Party look scholarly and well informed.

        • my comment was obama should be impeached the article made a logical argument that obama in the private sector would be and should be indicted…….it is a long shot but possible obama is impeached or leaves early…..we cannot forget all the liberals in congress lied also some knowingly some like brad ellsworth out of plain ignorance……with out a doubt obama ellsworth donally and the rest of the liberal fools did vote to destroy the lives for 90 million Americans……

      • The only way to punish the President of the USA is to impeach and have the Senate Confirm that impeachment process by the House of Representatives.

        The GOP already tried that one with Clinton and it failed miserably.

        We know you can’t prosecute the President of the United States as he controls the Justice Dept.

        That would be like Evansville Police Chief trying to order the Mayor arrested. That’s not going to happen.

        So it’s not wired to associate the calls to prosecute as a veiled threat to impeach the President again.

        Like he said stop foaming at the mouth with your hatred for the President. He’s a lot better than any of the past GOP Presidents. Iran Contra, Read my lips, and Ops no weapons of mass destruction under this piece of furniture in the Oval Office.

        Obama’s health care will go a long way to helping people get REAL health Care and not get ripped off by the insurance companies with cheap policies that really don’t pay anything when you need payments for medical expenses.

        Obama is getting rid of these rip off insurance policies and in the long run the people will get much better coverage and be thanking Obama for Obama Care not trying to lynch him.

        • Its sad that human nature, the desire to find an easier way or “something for nothing” is so powerful that one would defend evil if they are promised ice cream.

    • Why do liberals get so upset with the Tea Party. This is a movement that is telling the government what any good parent would tell their children, you need to develop a budget and live within your means. They are actually decent taxpaying citizens who love this country and their children. They know the country headed in the wrong direction. They see bankruptcy in our future. Politicians know we are headed toward disaster and keep kicking the can down the road hoping the next batch of politicians will fix. The darlings of the liberals, Occupy doesn’t have a plan. Every country that has tried to balance their budget on the backs of the wealthy have lost. Of course, if you live in public housing have an ebt card and believe the liberal garbage that the rich are stealing from you the teaparty is the enemy. Obama is the best the democrats have to offer and Brad Ellsworth claims he is the smartest man in the room, which probably true when the DNC meets. Does that scare you?

      • i do remember little brad going to the white house to play basketball with obama before the obamacare vote…….i wonder has the sell out ignorant fool been back as obamas guest since……i say no…..

  2. Liberals despise the Tea Party because they are systematically eliminating RINO’s from Congress.

    Pure and simple, cut and dried. There is no other logical reason for their apoplectic behavior.

    The Tea Party is no direct threat to Progressives.

    They are a threat to establishment, entrenched, pseudo-republican turncoats.

    • The TeaParty is also getting rid of statesmen like Dick Lugar and replacing them with unknown Democrats like Joe Donnelly.

  3. obama is an illegal alien posing as president when he has never been eligible. He is a monstrous criminal that deserves nothing less than federal prison for the rest of his miserable life for all of the heinous crimes he is responsible for and justifiably should be punished to the maximum.

    • Thank God for patriots like you with grit, Tritt. It’s folks like you who’ll save America from monstrous criminals like the Kenyan and the dangerous fiends he brought into his administration. That’s it, we’ll prosecute Obama for fraud. Ho ho ho. Stand tall, Tritt. We’re depending on you. If you can’t stand tall, try to stand upright. At the end of the day your knuckles will thank you and so will the American people for helping cashier another round of TeaClowns out of the state and national legislatures.

      • yous tells em likes it is bandana weess liberals has to fight fors whats is right ars rights for obamascares and obamas phones keeps the good fight

  4. Wasn’t impeaching Clinton enough revenge for the force resignation of Richard Nixon?

    This article is CRAZY talk. I like the way Ed says it better!

  5. Barack Obama should be held accountable for his statements and actions, whatever that entails.
    A simple; I’m sorry, not even an apology, is not enough.

    All the insurance companies and their agents that have sold health insurance policies since the PPACA law was passed in 2010, knowing that these policies were would not meet PPACA standards, should be prosecuted for fraud also.

    These schemes or frauds are also known as “bait and switch”!
    If these actions are allowed to continue the citizens of this country are in deep trouble.

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