We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
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We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE that The Right To Assemble And To Seek Redress Of Grievances Is Enshrined In Our Constitution?   …over the last several months we have witnessed peaceful and violent protests alike throughout America?   …yesterday outside groups of anarchists agitators attempted to foment lawlessness and unrest to advance their own objectives to cause anarchy in America? …we are a nation born of the revolutionary spirit of protest, coupling expressions of grievances against injustice with the desire to be free? …we deplore the theft, lotting, and burning of the U. S. Capitol building caused by the random acts of lawless anarchists and thugs?  …in fact, we believe that these lawless thugs should be arrested and thrown in jail?
IS IT TRUE  that yesterday Twitter removed three (3) tweets from the account of President Donald Trump and suspended his account for 12 hours after he continued to push conspiracy theories about the election that allegedly motivated a mob to stormed the U.S. Capitol building?  …that Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter also removed the video of Trump amid the chaos at Capitol caused not by patriots but lawless thugs?  …we find it interesting that some people are saying that this is a form of censorship?
IS IT TRUE that there is a new treatment for treating COVID19 that is specifically being recommended for people who are in high-risk groups?… high-risk groups for serious complications from COVID19 include those who are over 65 years of age, suffer from diabetes, are overweight, or have other issues commonly referred to as co-morbidities?…the name for this treatment is “The Bam” which is short for Bamlanivimab which is one of the hardest things to pronounce correctly and that is why it is simply called BAM?…BAM is an Indiana innovation from the Eli Lilly Corporation that is headquartered in Indianapolis and was once headed by former Governor Mitch Daniels?…BAM is an antibody transfusion process that utilizes lab-grown antibodies to COVID19 and sort of replicates what is expected from infusions of convalescent plasma?…this treatment has been called a “game-changer and lifesaver” by those who have been treated with it and is a welcome complement to the three vaccines that are now available to a select few?
IS IT TRUE that the slow rollout of the vaccines and the rareness of convalescent plasma has created a situation where there is a potential for a black market for vaccines and unfair apportionment of legitimate vaccines? … it been alleged that there are some people of means in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, and across the nation who have found ways to jump the line to be vaccinated or treated for the COVID-19 virus?… it’s also alleged that some of these people have been vaccinated before frontline workers like doctors, nurses, and the janitorial staff of medical providers who are truly at high levels of risk just by virtue of their willingness to serve as healers and enablers of healers?
IS IT TRUE while the City-County Observer understands why people of power and means would seek ways to jump the line, we also think that for one who is not an at-risk provider to deprive a frontline provider of a vaccine has the potential to cause another to be infected or even die?…we applaud those who developed these vaccines and treatments but abhor the reality that some people of means and power are interrupting the flow of these treatments to those who are most at risk?
IS IT TRUE we look forward to receiving a copy of the criteria used by local hospitals to decide who gets a dose of the virus-fighting wonder drug called BAM?  …that information concerning BAM is the best-kept secret in this region?
IS IT TRUE according to a report published in yesterday’s Indiana Health Department bulletin that only 5,638 people who live in Vanderburgh County have received their first COVID-19 virus shot?  …this figure is totally unacceptable?
IS IT TRUE according to a current Indiana Government website that between 03/2020 to 01/2021 49,315 new COVID-19 tests were administered?  …it was also reported that there were 6,214 positive cases and positivity rate was a whooping 16.3% during the reporting period?
IS IT TRUE that we are extremely disappointed to learn that our local VA Clinic hasn’t given disabled veterans over the age of 75 years old their first COVID-19 virus shot?  … it’s our guess that this kind of situation isn’t happening at the Marion VA Hospital?  …it’s a well-known fact that Evansville VA Clinic has always been treated as a red hair stepchild by the Marion VA Hospital?  …its time that the bureaucrats working at the Indiana Department of Veteran Affairs get off their rear ends and find a way to get the life-saving COIVID-19 shots to our heroic veterans?
IS IT TRUE we wonder why members of the local mainstream media haven’t taken a hard look at how local rural nursing homes are dealing with the COVID -19 virus outbreak?  …that we been told that a local rural nursing home CORVID-19 virus infection rate among residences and staff are considered to be out of control?  …that is been alleged that this nursing home is reporting that 34 residences and 16 staff members have the COVID-19 virus?  …if the Governor would have sent this local rural nursing home the much-needed COVID -19 virus shots he wouldn’t have to activate the Indiana National Guard to help desensitized this nursing home?
IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to commend the 10 years and 9 months (3,820 days) effort that it took to finally get the McCurdy Hotel into the kind of shape that it needed to be to offer apartments on the riverfront that local people can afford?…management of the facility that was formerly an old folks home is offering apartments at monthly rates from $799 to $1,100? …after dreams and investments in the over $10 million range, the current assessment for taxation purposes according to the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s office is only $1,096,000 which will only deliver an annual tax bill of $23,578?…there was more public money than the current assessment poured down a rat hole by starry-eyed politicians and bureaucrats?…we do wonder whatever happened to that million-dollar sewer and water bill that made the news a few years ago?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  …when the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?  Today’s “Readers Poll” question is:  Which Governor is more effective in managing the Covid-19 virus?
IS IT TRUE over the last 15 plus years the CCO has published around 250 “IS IT TRUE” columns per year?  …each column had an average of seven (7) “IS IT TRUE” statements posted in it?  …our guesstimate is that the City-County Observer has written and posted around 26,250 “IS IT TRUE” statements over the last 15 plus years?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE FILES, LAW ENFORCEMENT, “READERS POLL”, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS”, EDUCATION, OBITUARIES and “LOCAL SPORTS”. You now are able to subscribe to the CCO daily without a charge.




  1. Trump should be removed from office for inciting a violent mob of MAGA supporters to storm the US Capitol on Wednesday. Does anyone need any more evidence he is not fit for office?

    Trump is certifiable. His aides reportedly conclude he is ‘mentally unreachable’ and are resigning in mass.

    Farewell to the thief, the thugs and domestic terrorists!

  2. The IN Governor’s statement of yesterday of an 80 year old threshold for vaccinations is a disappointment. Why 80 years when other states are at 65 and 75? Why when Indiana is showing over 16 % positivity rate, if not the highest, surely one of the highest in the nation? Indiana is in trouble and it doesn’t seem to bother anyone in state administration that we are one of the worst states in Covid vaccination performance.

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