Rev. Joe Easley And Rev. Gerald Arnold Stepping Down As Co-Conveners Of BRIDGE.


Dear All,

We wanted to follow up on the recent email you received announcing that Rev. Joe Easley and Rev. Gerald Arnold are stepping down as Co-Conveners of BRIDGE.

Our whole Core Team wants to take a moment to thank both of them for their tireless efforts with BRIDGE and in the community fighting for justice and equity. Our community is a better place because of both of you!

We also wanted to let you know that BRIDGE is working with local clergy to plan a Racial Justice Sabbath on the weekend of February 14, 2021. We are challenging and encouraging faith leaders and communities to engage in conversations about racial inequities and what we can all do to work for racial justice. If you are part of a faith community, ask your leaders about it!

In addition, our Book Study, Education, and Systemic Change workgroups are actively working on racial justice initiatives. If you’re interested in learning more about their work and becoming involved, please reply to this email. Thank you all for your commitment to making our community better for all.


Lora Stephens
