We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE that our plans to distribute a complimentary printed edition of the City-County Observer is moving in the right direction?  …at the end of this month, we will be announcing the permanent locations for you to pick up copies of the printed edition of the CCO? …that our papers shall be distributed in attractively designed newspaper racks?
IS IT TRUE that the financial woes of the University of Evansville didn’t happen overnight and won’t be corrected overnight?
IS IT TRUE that last week the University of Evansville Faculty Senate passed a vote of “No Confidence” in the President’s draft academic alignment plan? …the vote passed by a margin of 14 to 1 with 1 abstention?  …that the entire faculty will now have seven days to vote on this matter?  …that this vote coupled with a vote of “No Confidence” recently taken by members of the UE AAUP chapter concerning the overall performance of the President of U of E has never happened in the University lustrous history?
IS IT TRUE that members of the U of E  Board of Trustees are outstanding public servants with a great deal of positive professional and life experiences?  …we hope that members of the U of E Board of Trustees are aware that the decisions they make concerning the future direction turn out to be harmful to the future growth of the University it could stain their impeccable repetitions for years to come?
IS IT TRUE that the Chairperson of the University of Evansville Board of Trustees has proven business insight and political connections?  … that she has the people skills to think outside the box and the ability to come up with a reasonable solution to forge a compromise between the President and facility of the University of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE we are glad that Washington, DC politicians have finally realized that millions of Americans are going hungry because the pandemic erodes income?
IS IT TRUE  that according to the nationally renowned ProPublica newspaper that thousands of Stanford University Hospital medical professionals that work in close contact with COVID-19 patients were left out of the first wave of staff members getting the new Pfizer vaccine?  ..only seven (7) of Stanford’s University Hospital medical staff received the Pfizer vaccines at this nationally rank teaching hospital?  … In their place were around 1,300 plus higher-ranking doctors and support staff who carry a lower risk of patient transmission were given the Covid virus injections?

IS IT TRUE In a letter to Stanford leadership sent last Thursday, the chief resident council wrote, “While leadership is pointing to an error in an algorithm meant to ensure equity and justice, our understanding is this error was identified on Tuesday and a decision was made not to revise the vaccine allocation scheme before its release today.” The council asked for a timeline for the vaccination of the residents and transparency regarding the algorithm  …” He signed off with his “heartfelt apologies.”?

IS IT TRUE that several professional savvy individuals employed in the medical field feel that the Standford Medical teaching hospital distribution plan for the Pifer COVID-19 vaccine represents an elitist’s professional class patronage attitude?

IS IT TRUE that H Dan Adams. MD FACS MBA posted the following comment in yesterday’s  City-County Observer”  … that he also said “I’ll bet that that method is going on all over the USA right now?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Health Department is doing a credible job in providing free drive-up testing sites for the virus during the last several months?
IS IT TRUE we give five (5) cheers to the “MAYORS REOPEN EVANSVILLE TASKFORCE” for doing a good job in helping to keep local businesses open and safe? ….the “MAYORS REOPEN EVANSVILLE TASKFORCE” has mandated a reasonable and common sense mask and distancing policy that is seemly generating positive results?
IS IT TRUE it’s now a known fact when the self-serving politicians allow well-credentialed scientists to make decisions, predictions and give us advice concerning the COVID-19 virus has apparently provided the masses with two effective COVOID-19 vaccines?  …we also hope that you have a virus-safe holiday and please wear a mask and distance yourself from people?
IS IT TRUE we been saying for many months if Governor Eric Holcomb would get his political head out of the sand and start testing more people for the COVID-19 virus the number of positive results will greatly be increased?  …we are pleased that Governor Holcomb decided to do just that and all we can say to him is hello big ‘RED TRUCK”?
IS IT TRUE that since the “defund the police” movement has taken hold in some large American cities violent crime has increased by over 350% in many of those cities?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Bailey Davis, Administrative Assistant for the Vanderburgh County Commission for sending us news articles in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer “Galloping Gourmet” Dr. Dan Adams will be sharing his monster Chocolate Chunk Pumpkin Cookie recipe in our December-2020 printed newspaper?
IS IT TRUE that Kalah Hirsch, Records Specialist, and Asst. IDACS Coordinator for the Evansville Police Department is doing a credible job in providing us with the daily EPD Activity Report in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE that the good folks at local TV Channel 14 are providing the masses with up-to-date local news, weather, and sports?  …we are so impressed by the way they are providing current and accurate news that we have included Channel 14 TV in our 2021 advertising budget?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?
Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Are you planning to get the COVID-19 vaccine shot when it becomes available?
IS IT TRUE over the last 17 plus years the CCO has published around 250 “IS IT TRUE” columns per year?  …each column had an average of seven (7) “IS IT TRUE” statements posted in it?  …our guesstimate is that the City-County Observer has written and posted around 12,250 “IS IT TRUE” statements over the last 17 plus years?

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