IS IT TRUE November 6, 2013

Mole #3 Nostradamus of Local Politics
Mole #3 Nostradamus of Local Politics

IS IT TRUE November 6, 2013

IS IT TRUE that today is the first day of the 2014 election campaign and if the words heard on the major news channels last night are any indication the tone of the next several election cycles is being set already?…the Statehouse Mole Nation has leaked to the CCO that Joe Donnelly, the effective leader of the Indiana Democrat Party has made his preference known about who he would choose to oppose Congressman Larry Buschon for the 8th District Seat in the US House of Representatives?…Donnelly’s preference is none other than former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel? That doesn’t mean the former Mayor who is according to our sources up to his eyeballs in private law practice will accept this de-facto nomination but according the Statehouse Moles, it is his if he wants it?…it will be very interesting to see who current Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke will support next year if the former mayor really does accept this nomination and oppose what would be a third term for Republican Congressman Larry Buschon?…Mayor Winnecke will have to choose between the party that got him elected and the party that he is a member of?…this is called a conundrum?

IS IT TRUE in the important race for Vanderburgh County Commissioner next year the Mole Nation is telling us that Bruce Ungenthiem is quite interested in taking on perennial office holder and current Commissioner Marsha Abell?…for those who are not familiar with Mr. Ungenthiem he is one of the people of high significance that lead the charge to defeat consolidation by a 60 – 40 margin?…he is also visible in the vigilant questioning of the City of Evansville’s potentially illegal practice of charging customers who live in the county a 35% premium over what city dwellers pay for water and sewer services?…it is clear that Bruce Ungenthiem is very popular and more importantly admired in unincorporated Vanderburgh County?…Mr. Ungenthiem has also taken on a well financed and party supported initiative at the ballot box and smashed it flat with pragmatism and competence?…the CCO sees this race if it should happen shaping up to be a potential game changer for county governance and a well contested election in a place that is accustomed to paper tigers and non-existent opposition?

IS IT TRUE the race last night for Governor of Virginia is seen by some as a model for many congressional races in 2014?…the results were a Democrat defeated a Republican by a razor thin margin with less than 50% of the vote because an independent candidate siphoned off 7% of the vote?…given the political stance of the independent candidate it is safe to assume that those votes were siphoned off from the Republican candidate?…this race which was seen to be a referendum on ObamaCare shows the power of the Tea Party to get Democrats elected by fracturing the base of the Republican Party?…ObamaCare was supported by 47% of the Virginia voters and opposed by 53% in exit polls?…the total votes for the Republican + Independent was 53% and the Democrat got 47% exactly mirroring the sentiments toward ObamaCare?…in next year’s congressional elections if Virginia is a gauge of things to come Republicans will need for between 55% and 60% of the people to oppose ObamaCare to get elected in districts that have a Tea Party backed candidate?

IS IT TRUE as far as the 2016 Presidential election goes, Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie who won this deep blue state by a 61 – 39 margin came out swinging at President Obama’s credibility issue?…Christie’s words to his supporters about running a transparent, honest government that represents all of the people as opposed to selected support groups was aimed squarely at President Obama’s Pinocchio dilemma and at any future Democrat challenger for the Presidency?…Christie of course is a centrist Republican and a straight shooter who had to siphon off many Democrat votes to win in New Jersey that typically votes for Democrats for everything?…he has also been willing to lay the strap across the backsides of traditional Democrat support organizations like the teacher’s union?…if the GOP is to ever retake the White House it will be with a candidate like Christie or Wisconsin Governor Walker both of who appeal to the thinking people in the middle and have open disdain for the extreme positions of both the far right and the far left?

IS IT TRUE it was confirmed that over 100,000 new people have received cancellation notices from their health insurance providers due to the requirements of ObamaCare in the last 24 hours?…as the hole gets deeper the lies coming from the White House keep getting more and more desperate?…it appears that an acknowledgment of deception and an apology are nowhere in sight?…even with President Obama’s approval now below 40% in the latest Gallup poll the response of the White House for being caught in lies is to lie about those lies?…by Christmas there may only be a couple of hundred people left in the country that do not believe the President lied to the American people?…they will all be employed in the White House?…we wonder just how much the sticker shock associated with the price of ObamaCare’s policies and the distraction of a White House living in delusion will affect the Christmas shopping season?…you can bet your arse that the dollars that will have to go to increased premiums will come straight out of the Christmas budgets of everyday Americans?


  1. On the Virginia governors race, there was no Independent in the race. There was a Libertarian, who did receive 6.6% of the vote. It is also untrue that the Dem won because he siphoned off votes from the Republican. There have been several reports that he took as many or more voters from the Dem than he did the Repub. The real reason the Republican lost the race in Virginia is because he was a Tea Party candidate and the RNC decided that they would not back him. They spent 1/3 of the money they did in the previous race in 2009. They are working against their own party to shut down the Tea Party rise.

    • I think you are basically right, Bart. About the only thing I can extrapolate from Virginia is that both parties fielded deeply flawed candidates, but the Democrats out-spent them on their bad candidate. The GOP is having to starve out the cancer caused by “Tea”, and they started last night in Virginia and Alabama.

      • The democrats also funded the libertarian candidate. I’m they did this so he could pull votes from the democrat candidate.

  2. 100k s*it policies cancelled. No big whoop. They can sign up for a better one for probably cheaper or a little more and actually get some care. Now 10 years from now they might not have a heart attack that we would’ve paid for anyway.

    • No big whoop? Shit policies? You are one of the most insensitive people on this board. Would you support a law that required everyone that uses what you may call a “piece of shit” car that works for its owner to smash it and go buy a new government approved vehicle with money they don’t have? You are some superiority complex driven fool dude. Like Obama, you are probably too arrogant to even know it.

      • 😉 Man Yoda, just take that trolling for what its worth there. Getting fleeced(ACA)might be better for some, than getting flushed (actual voter sentiment) when the crappy issues are compared, Politics I suppose.
        Looking from afar, if it rains a little harder there flushing might not solve the whole problem in your local area.
        Might re-surface again in some lower regions of your area.
        Won’t be the same “bubbling crude” that made ole Jed a millionaire either.
        In your location that should be the focus right now and for the next 28 years,if your local fleecing takes the normal pathway without an good flushing.
        Methodology by infrastructure based structuring can allow for better flushing by the way. (Less fleecing,cheap)
        Look for good balance,with that said, it could be centrist policies and some real work can find some viable,science based solutions to both problems,fleecing verses flushing.
        Kinda covers all purposed politics in the talking points as I see them from afar.

        “All religions,arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree.” (An old German physicist)

    • Yes, it is a big whoop! That number will be seen and repeated on a constant basis. It’s only just begun. Those cancelled policies were chosen by the folks that had them…myself included, and we were satisfied with the price, coverage, etc. I don’t need anyone, especially the government, telling me what I need. The only people getting anything cheaper are the one who did not have coverage and qualify for medicaid or huge subsidies!

      The Obamacare deductibles are horribly high. Wait until a loved one or yourself, needs a test or surgery and is told that they now have to pay the full cost before the procedure and meet that high deductible first! Many Evansville Docs, Surgery Centers, Diagnostic Centers, do this already but most folks don’t have the ungodly deductible with the policies they will lose at the end of this year.

      If you need anything major done, get it done before the end of the year! Good luck too, finding Docs who will accept the Obamacare plans and their low payments.

    • This is still a tempest in a Tea Party pot. Those who are in a panic over ACA are there because they are not interested in facts, nor in seeing all Americans have access to health care. I have pretty much given up trying to convince anybody. It is disgusting to see so many people root against a better situation for their neighbors, or even themselves. I think a lot of their zeal will wane as POTUS’s term draws to an end.

      • Their zeal would wane if Obama kept his promises. Specifically claims like “you can keep your plan and your doctor” and “each family will save $2,500” that turn out to be blatant lies are fuel for people who were skeptical of the greatest speaker ever to be president. Words do not beget deeds and deeds are where the “Mouthpiece in Chief” fails miserably.

        The tragedy is that if his claims had turned out to be true he would be enjoying a 60+ approval rating and would go down in history as a great president. As it has unfolded he will join Nixon in the history books under dishonesty and incompetence.

        • after nixon lost the trust of the people he resigned for the good of America…….obama has lost the trust of the people but will not do what is best for America that is obvious since instead of fixing his lies on the aca he continues to lie about his lies…….and benghazi and nsa spying and irs scandals……on and on and on

          • I am pretty sure Nixon resigned because his advisers and supporters took him aside and forced him to. There is no way the Obamabots will do that with their guy no matter what he does unless of course they snap out of their coma and realize he is not a living god. It will be up to the people of this country to neuter this jerk in 2014 or he will continue his lying ways to make us a socialist nation.

      • There is no panic but there will be when no one but the elderly and the most ill sign on for Obamacare without the young healthy money coming in. The insurance companies will be hurting fast…even with their high premiums and deductibles, they will not stay profitable.

        We have to allow the free market to work…if they want to hand out free care then just allow the Government aid rolls to expand (who is paying for all this?) and leave everyone else alone! The young and healthy will play the penalty and save in the long run.

      • Its obvious your not a health care professional. Please idnetify one person that has been denied access to health care in the U.S.? Number 1, its against law and has been for quite some time.
        How is my neighbor a 50 yr old male having a better situation with a premium rise of 60% , additional deductible , smaller network, and mandatory coverage for lactation services?

        If you want to state that allowing pre exisiting conditions to not be a factor in obtaining Health Insurance is a better situation for some, i can agree.
        You do realize there is a difference between access to Health Insurance and Health Care, right?

      • No, unfortunately, you haven’t given up commenting….but you could sure as hell start now !

      • Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship including personal, work, and government relationships. Honesty is a very important trait to have in a President. When the public loses faith in the words of its President everything he has said or done in the past comes into question. And citizens will have disdain for whatever he may do in the future.


  3. Bruce Ungethiem will be a stong challenger to Marsha, regardless of the party affiliation he chooses.

    • Has he challenged her to a duel yet? There’s a lot of that going on. I was thinking about it since she’s not very big (which would redound to her favor) but I really don’t have much of anything against her.

      I’m going to reserve some space up around Weehawken N.J. in case things change. In the current political climate it’s hard to tell who might step forward, sounding for a good opponent. Looking to test drive that fancy set of muzzle loading pistols they got with the Libs Turtles last Valentine’s Day.

      • Rand even borrowed that from Sell Miller when he said that to Chris Matthews. Can he not ever say anything he thought of? Maybe he can’t think.

        • At least he owned up to it. One quote goes without citation from Rand Paul and the wolves start to circle. The President blames his lies on his speechwriters because he doesn’t even bother to read it before parroting it with the convenience of a teleprompter and the lefties sit on the wall silent like Humpty Dumpty. How about a call out to every plagerist politician on both sides. If Obama were reduced to using original truthful content he would be mute. He was even reading off of a card in his speech about lying about lies. Consistency please.

          • There have now been at least four, and I think five, instances of plagarism found. If you call Paul saying that his staff “got sloppy” owning up, I guess he did. His “meltdown” to the press twice in two days and his threat to quit the Senate pretty much proves he isn’t presidential material.

            • I never said he was presidential material. I think he would be an improvement on what we have now but that would be replacing a delusional liar of the third degree with a lesser version of the same. The next president needs to be honest and competent. It has been many years since we have had such a person in the White House.

    • Since Bruce voted Republican in the most recent primary he would have to have a permission slip from Democrat Party Chairman Rob Faulkner in order to run as a Democrat. If he chooses to run Republican, he will have to take on Marsha in a Republican primary only if Marsha decides to run rather than retire.

      Stay tuned.

  4. Bruce Ungenthiem is another of the “NO TO EVERYTHING” crowd. Marsha’s crazy, but Bruce is no better. Bruce did NOT lead consolidation to victory, the county residents did. That proposal was dead the second anyone started talking about it. He just happened to be vocally against something that was going to fail with or without his help. To call him popular in the county is an over statement. Bruce also do not work well with others; he would be divisive on the council.

    • I attended many meetings, and heard Bruce speak. He is very professional in his research, and well educated. If you think Marsha works well with anybody, it’s only people she’s neck-reined into following her agenda. Both she and Kiefer are going to have a bumpy path unless the opt-out.

  5. Weinzapel has all the attributes to fit in with the current group of democrats. It’s common knowledge about the mess he left here in Evansville, he’s viewed as sleazy. This should easily garner him the backing of the democrat party. Speaking of congressman, why hasn’t brad ellsworth come out in support of the aca he so highly praised. That guy has really gone undercover, knowing he’s ashamed to show his face in public.

  6. Weinsapple vs Bushon will be toss-up. But if Bushon gets 2 more yrs. he’ll qualify for a lifetime pension. I don’t believe I could vote for either with a clean consience.

    • Neither excites me, but I would vote for anybody who isn’t Larry Buschon or a TPer. Buschon’s treatment of Elizabeth Lockyear in the Courier made my decision for me.

  7. Weinzapfel? HaHa! Across the District, his “Reputation” shall proceed him,–“Worst Mayor Ever!”. I suggest he buy something with a “Soothing” effect for his behind, –after Election Day he will need it.
    The Citizen’s response for what he “did for” – Evansville,–awaits him at the voting booth.

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