What I Will Be Changing In 2021 


What I Will Be Changing In 2021 

by Amy Juday

It’s crazy to think that 2020 is nearing the end. So many things have changed and we are all living our “new normal” (I swore I wouldn’t say that!). But as 2021 approaches, I know exactly how I want to live it!  I think most would agree that 2020 has been crazy, to say the least. What have you learned this year – about yourself, your friends, your family?

I had insight into my life – before all the shutdowns & quarantining, my family was running ragged! Sports here & there, plans every weekend, often working late, rushing to get through dinner for some reason or another. I thought that was “normal”, maybe it has to be for some.

But being forced to slow down actually taught me something – I need to be present more. Present in my everyday life; in each moment that my son wants to tell me something, have me listen to a song that he found that he loves, show me some silly trick he learned when my husband talks about work (because it is important to him). Those are the important things & it was eye-opening (and actually embarrassing to admit) when my son & husband were often saying “I told you that” or ” remember I showed you yesterday”. I was likely reading a text, checking my email, thinking about work, or what we have going on tomorrow. But, talk about pulling at your heart when your child thinks that you don’t listen to him! 💔 Yikes!!

As 2020 comes to an end (and we see light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccine), it kind of saddens me that the hustle & bustle will resume & pick up right where it left off. So, I have decided that’s not what I want for my family or just for me mentally. I want to make some changes, learn new things, take the time to live in the moments that count! The article is a bit long, BUT I did read it!! I took the time – and the “new skill” that I am bringing to 2021 – The Skill of Mindful Living. There are for sure others that I am putting on the list that I stick with it, but I want to be present. I want to savor each moment, especially with family! If there’s anything that I know from working in the long-term care industry, it’s that time goes by fast, family/friends are important and memories are proof that you lived in the moment! The stories I’ve heard from the seniors I’ve visited are the types of things I want to remember and retell. So we should take advantage of the time we have – and be Mindful.

So, I challenge all of you – go ahead…choose something, after all, there are 101 things listed right here for you. It is a new year – make it a great one!!
