The Family Foundation Files Response With The Kentucky Supreme Court Concerning Historical Racing Slots


The Family Foundation Files Response To KHRC And Tracks 

December 1, 20220

LEXINGTON, KY – The Family Foundation filed a response with the Kentucky Supreme Court on Friday in its 10-year-long court case arguing against the request of the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission (KHRC) and several of the state’s race tracks for a rehearing of the historical racing case, in which the Court ruled 7-0 that the most widely-used historical racing system was not parimutuel.

“The Commission and the tracks were given ten years to make their case that historical racing machines were parimutuel. And now they want more time?” asked Martin Cothran, spokesmen for the group. “At first, they were allowed to make their case without even having to present evidence or answer important questions about historical racing machines. Then they were given additional several years to prove the legality of the machines. They were given every break possible by the courts, and now they are arguing for more time.

“Despite all this favorable treatment, they now claim they were treated unfairly and denied due process by Kentucky’s Highest Court.”

The Foundation also criticized the favorable treatment illegal gambling parlors are receiving from the Beshear administration. “Schools, where children are monitored all day for proper mask use and social distancing, are being forced to close while historical racing parlors like Derby City Gaming, which are using demonstrably illegal gambling devices, continue to operate freely, ” said Cothran.

“This is the kind of political distortion that happens when you give wealthy and politically influential casino interest a key to your state.”
