Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE November 1, 2013 (Updated)

IS IT TRUE November 1, 2013 (Updated)

Mole #3 Nostradamus of Local Politics
Mole #3 Nostradamus of Local Politics

IS IT TRUE the sentiment of the comment writers on the City County Observer is that City Councilman Jonathan Weaver was out of line in filing a criminal complaint against Jordan Baer for bringing the situation to light about the continued dilapidated state of Evansville’s cemeteries?…some of these critiques have been quite harsh?…if this sentiment is widespread come 2015 we may have seen the last of Jonathan Weaver as an elected official?

IS IT TRUE the Evansville Economic Development Loan Committee is meeting today at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 1, 2013 in the Conference Room in Room 306 of the Civic Center?…we hope this cast of characters that was hoodwinked by the Winnecke Administration into handing a $200,000 advance to Earthcare Energy LLC will put a line item on their agenda to start the discussion about how to go out and get that $200,000 back?…it is becoming a pattern for this committee to announce a meeting with no agenda?…that is just another smoke screen technique well honed by political puppet masters who do not want to attract the attention of the media?

IS IT TRUE that the NCAA basketball rankings are out for 2013-2014 and two teams with local followings are ranked among the top 3?…the University of Kentucky Wildcats on the strength of what some are calling the most talented freshman class since the Michigan Wolverines fielded the “Fabulous Five” back in the early 1990’s are ranked #1?…the defending champion Louisville Cardinals are sitting just behind Michigan State in the #3 position?…we will learn early in the season if John Calipari’s “live by the freshman and die by the freshman” philosophy will justify a #1 ranking as Kentucky will be playing both #2 and #3 before New Year’s Day?…if the dynamic duo of Oladipo and Zeller would have deferred becoming NBA millionaires for one year we are sure that the Indiana Hoosiers would have been ranked near or at the top of the college basketball world?

IS IT TRUE comedian and liberal political commentator Bill Maher says President Barack Obama should have been upfront that people would lose the health insurance they like under the Affordable Care Act?…Maher stated that if the President had told the truth, Obamacare likely would never have passed?…Maher went on to say, “I don’t think Obama should have lied to people,” on CNN’s Piers Morgan Live?…Morgan, a supporter of Obamacare and native of Great Britain where healthcare is provided by the government, agreed with Maher that Obama’s repeated promise was “a barefaced lie?”…Maher stated that if Obama told people that many of them would lose the insurance they like it wouldn’t have had a chance?…Maher also expressed doubts Obama is being truthful when he says he was unaware the United States was spying on the leaders of allied countries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel?…the march of liberal members of the media from Jon Stewart to Bill Maher and many in between have made late night comedic fodder of President Obama much like Jay Leno did to President Clinton over pecadillos and many comedy kings did to Richard Nixon over declaring he was not a crook?

IS IT TRUE the CCO learned this morning from CBS reports and other national news sources that the number of people who signed up for ObamaCare on the first day was exactly 6?…that’s right, it was not 6 million, or 6 thousand, the number was SIX?…this tidbit of information was obtained through the use of a subpoena as the Obama Administration has never willfully released or acknowledged any actual count?…the were crowing in day one and through the first week that there were as many as 8 million hits to the failure of a website they spent over $600 million on?…as Bill Maher and many others have openly stated the words coming from the President to sell the American people on this were false and now we are learning that the reports of demand are being intentionally obstructed so false information can be disseminated?


    • Perhaps these two are the best we can hope for? or the best we as a community have to offer? or perhaps something more sinister is in-play like rigged elections? one thing is for sure and that being that Evansville has it’s fair share of political hacks, lackeys, lapdogs, and sellouts….DC has nothing on the city of Evansville.

      But hey it’s JMHO

    • I think the way you express your disgust is over the top, howler. Name-calling only serves to detract from your basic thought, which is that the voters elected these people. I agree that they reflect on their constituents in a very negative way, but I don’t condone calling them what you do.

  1. I don’t think the five negative posters on CCO equate to political doom for Weaver. Delusions of grandeur must be contagious in the CCO crowd.

    • Mr Davis…you are correct, negative posts (slings & arrows) have no effect on Mr Weaver’s political future, but you know he’s doing a right smart job of creating his own political doom all on his own now isn’t he?


    • I really don’t think any of the posters’ comments were indicative of any delusions of grandeur. We were commenting on the fact that we think Councilmen Weaver and Mosby are likely at the end of their tenure. That is probably optimistic, because it doesn’t seem we have a very informed electorate here in Evansville. If EVV voters were on top of things, we would not be in the “fix” we’re in now.
      Attack ideas, Phyllip, not people.

      • LKB…agreed, if Mr Davis wants to be a true activist for the community he should welcome descending points of view from his own, that is after all one of the ways we all grow and learn, granted personal attacks are never welcome in our politically correct world now-a-days, but even pointing out a flaw in an politician’s character has it’s merits as long as it’s not done in a attacking way is it not?

        Being a public servant puts you in a position where everything you say or do is scrutinized and analyzed looking for weakness or intent, we just happen to have two members of the city council that always seem to say or vote in a way that draws questions and accusations about their intent, maybe they are just colorful people that add diversion to the council or maybe it’s something totally sinister….either way watching the council meetings provides lots of comic relief probably more than it is intended to.


        • It is nearly impossible to publicly advocate for the public good while holding allegiance to a political group or party. That is, unless you are very narrow-minded and uninformed and truly believe that one view is always right.
          I divorced myself from local party politics many years ago because I can’t give full allegiance to either one.

          • Agreed, blind party loyalty is part of the problem we have in Evansville politics and the reason a lot of the candidates keep getting reelected.


        • My remarks were not pointed at anyone other than the editor. If you feel offended, you may believe the shoe fits you as well. For the editor to assume doom for a politician based on the 5-10 repeat posters on this site is ludicrous. Between CCO, CP, Twitter and Facebook, I’ve seen more posts supporting Mosby & Weaver than posts against. I’m not saying that’s indicative of anything, but we can hardly forecast an election based on what people in our immediate circle think.

          • I wasn’t offended. I think we agree when I said I was being optimistic that the the voters might get rid of theses two jokes, and you verified my guess with your comment about what you see on other sites.
            My point is that there is a difference in being a political operative and a public advocate. I spent years as an operative for both parties, first a Republican and then a Democrat. I am fortunate enough to now be in a place where I can stand up for whatever view I hold. I am no longer beholden to either party for my livelihood, nor am I “auditioning” to be in that unfortunate situation. Here’s a word to the wise; Don’t burn bridges if you want to get from point to point.

      • Yes, common sense would indicate that Weaver, Mosby as well as others would be facing the end of their tenure, but you are correct, the local electorate has a history of re-electing buddies and political hacks over and over.

        If performance and capabilities mattered, we would never have seen the likes of either McDonald, Red Mosby, Gail Reicken…etc

        • evidently you didn’t know Red Mosby
          he was a politican that wouldn’t stand for the B.S. Going on in either party
          he fought hard for the working people
          Red was one of the good Democrats unlike Messy

      • I agree with your statement in regards to our uninformed local electorate, and if they were on top of things, we would not be in the “fix” we’re in now. The same falls true for the “fix” our nation is in. If the BHO supporters(that means YOU) were more informed, our nation would not be in the fix it is in now. How about cutting off your nose to spite your face……………………….

    • Five posters are only five votes. As long as the people of this misguided metropolis continue to affirm idiots and hot heads with their votes the bleeding will continue. Speaking of delusions of grandeur what about when Weaver announced he was considering running for Mayor? This bloke looks in the mirror and sees Abraham Lincoln. Outsiders look at Weaver and see a spoiled brat with a Napolean complex and an inflated ego. He is mean to boot. This turd needs an intervention and some accountability. Missy just needs to go away. She is not governance material.

      • I attend a lot of public civic events and I see Weaver & Mosby at more of these events than the rest of the Council members combined. A perfect example of this would be the hotel debate. Council asked to have public meetings and I don’t remember seeing Adams, Robinson, or O’Daniel at any of them. SBR & Lindsey were at the Ward 6 meeting, but Al was in the foyer of the library for most of the meeting. Stephanie was also at the meeting for her ward and was in the room for most of the meeting. Missy & Jonathan were at several meetings and they were also the only Council members that accepted Chris Cooke’s invitation to come to Oak Hill yesterday. I know SBR was out of town for professional reasons, but where were the rest of Council that were concerned about the cemeteries? Weaver & Mosby interact with their constituents and vote accordingly. That is what they should do as being part of a Democratic Republic. Their opinion should not shape their vote seeing as they are just one of the thousands of people represented by their vote.

        • “Their opinion should not shape their vote seeing as they are just one of the thousands of people represented by their vote”


          I have to disagree with you here sir, their opinion should carry a lot more weight than the average citizen, these are the people with all the facts and figures right in front of them before a vote, they are the people closest to the situation with the most input who can pick up a phone and get needed answers, they are suppose to make informed decisions based on facts not the whim of the voters who almost never have all of the facts about a given topic.

          To say that they are just voting how their ward wants them to vote who can’t possibly have all the info is doing a disservice to the council and the job they perform…it also shifts the blame for bad decisions from the council member to the people who elected them.


          • If you truly believe that then you should never be critical of a decision made by a politician. They are more informed than you and know better than you. Your words, not mine.

          • LOL…yeah, your right, is that not the mindset of most of the elected officials? (that they know better?) faith in the political system, that it works in our best interest is a common fallacy but basically you have to have some faith that it works if not what is the point?

            I’ll have to say that I have much more faith in local government than any other, not that we deal with a lot of highly intelligent folks being elected but at least they are right here, accessible, should we decide that the pitch forks are necessary. 😉


        • why do they need to attend all of the meetings, it was the same agenda and content at all of the meetings. it was just a different location. the councilman should have attended the one for their ward.

          • How many meetings did you go to? I’m assuming all of them since your post implies that you know what happened at all of them. I went to all of them and I heard different arguments for and against the project at each meeting. You guys kill me. One hand you’ll pat one person on the back for taking the time to research to make an informed decision, then you’ll say that another person attending a meeting to determine the public’s opinion is a waste of time.

  2. If you believe that Beaver Weaver filed his criminal complaint against Mr. Baer out of anything except personal vindictiveness and rage that a citizen was daring to talk back to our rulers, expose their sloth and negligence, and support his claim with actual evidence, I have some Ohio river bottom land that you might want to build the next arena on. Filing frivolous criminal complaints is an abuse on anyone’s part. Coming from an elected official, it is simply intolerable.

    Keep in mind that I do not blame Beaver, Missy, or the rest of the hacks for doing what hacks do. The blame lies squarely on the voters.

    • Makes you really wonder just “WHO” has the delusions of grandeur that Mr Davis is referring to?


  3. The POTUS said, on multiple well documented occasions, that if you liked your present healthcare plan you could keep it.

    It is now up to congress to make good on that verbal contract issued by the President to the people of the United States.


  4. BTW, it has been three weeks since the Indiana Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Local Contractors’ suit against the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation concerning the competitive bidding process statutes.

    Why are they dragging their feet on this?


  5. I have to agree with a number of people and the CCO in today’s IIT in regards to Weaver and his asinine antics towards Jordan.

    What Jordan did was “technically” a crime, after meeting and talking with him in the past I think that Jordan has a sincere and heartfelt desire to help the local community. His “error” was so minor that I doubt for a second that he even realized that he did anything wrong.

    The sheer vindictiveness of Weaver in attempting to handle the situation by involving law enforcement just shows how petty and insignificant he is to so very many people. He has always stuck me as conceited and pompous, and I never see anything to prove to me otherwise.

    Trying to garner an arrest warrant for a citizen who is advocating for an improved community just shows that Weaver thinks he is “better” than everyone else, and hopefully stupid antics like this will mean that during the next election cycle Weaver will be relegated to never holding office again. In terms of justice, that would be a happy ending.

    Stay tuned…

  6. If is true that Weaver filed a criminal complaint against Bahr, it is obvious that Weaver has NO concept of free speech. I would suspect that Herrmann will toss it in the round file where it belongs.

    • Maybe they should embed the grave markers into the pavement that is over those babies graves?

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