IS IT TRUE: November 16, 2010

The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: November 16, 2010

IS IT TRUE that the recent settlement reached between the City of Evansville, the US Department of Justice, and the EPA to suspend further fines and penalties for a period of two years is a great opportunity for the City to get busy with an achievable efficient solution to our Combined Sewer Overflow problem?….that pursuing recompense from the previous operator Environmental Management Corp. that was under contract to the City of Evansville may just result in a settlement in the City’s favor?….that Environmental Management Corp.’s contract with the City of Evansville was renewed on several occasions during which CSO’s occurred routinely?…that the sewer system that the City of Evansville contracted Environmental Management Corp. to manage was spewing waste before they were hired, during the term of their contract, and after the City took back the management?….that it will be quite interesting to learn whether or not Environmental Management Corp. simply did what they were hired to do by the City of Evansville for many years?

IS IT TRUE that one of the basic services that is expected of a municipality is to have a working sewer?….that Evansville does not have and acceptable sewer system for its citizens?…that the EPA came down on the City of Evansville for a problem that has been going on unabated for more than 40 years?….that being allowed to defer maintenance on a sewer system that fowls the air and causes unsanitary conditions is an opportunity to correct the past?….that just because a 20 year waiver is granted that it does not mean that 20 years have to be taken to fix such a nasty problem?….that this is the kind of unresolved problem that is repulsive to potential employers and residents?…that being in proximity to a CSO discharge devalues properties and depresses the City’s tax base?….that it took good leadership on the part of Mayor Weinzapfel to be granted this extension without penalties or fines?….that it will take a true leader to get the citizens of Evansville on board to fix this problem as quick as possible without regard to the cost?…..that with interest rates at an all time low and jobs in immediate demand that there may never be a better time to fix our sewers than right now….that whomever the next Mayor of Evansville is has a golden opportunity to make a lasting difference in the quality of life here by getting on about the business of fixing these sewers?….that this problem should have been fixed at least 30 years ago?

IS IT TRUE that charity and investment both begin at home?….that Evansville is the only city in America with a population over 100,000 that does not have an active Angel Investment Group or a Venture Capital Firm?….that it is difficult for outsiders to justify investing here when local money does not invest here either?….that investment in Evansville is not sufficiently attractive to outside firms to have outside money lining up to put money into the Downtown or anywhere else?….that the Downtown Convention Hotel will be run better, will be more likely to attract outside money, and have better long term prospects IF Evansville based private funds and Evansville based management are the lead investors and managers in the Hotel project?…. that is true for in other projects that come along?……that Evansville people care more about Evansville than they do about that last half of a percent of return on investment?