AG Curtis Hill Receives Daniel Award from Right to Life of Northeast Indiana

Attorney General Curtis Hill on Monday was presented with the Daniel Award at Right to Life of Northeast Indiana’s fall banquet. The annual award recognizes public servants who make extraordinary efforts to stand for the lives of unborn children.
“When a pregnancy is terminated, it means the life of a precious baby was ended before it ever had a chance to begin,” Attorney General Hill said. “Every single child deserves an opportunity to live a life full of love, meaning and happiness. I am honored and humbled to receive this award from Right to Life of Northeast Indiana, and I will never stop working to protect our children.”
Attorney General Hill has vigorously defended Indiana’s abortion laws during his time in office, prioritizing both the sanctity of human life and the health of Hoosier women. Most recently, a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana upheld many statutes and regulations under the Due Process Clause. The ruling, issued last week, was in response to a lawsuit filed by abortion provider Whole Woman’s Health challenging Indiana’s most significant abortion regulations.
Last month, Attorney General Hill appealed a U.S. district court’s ruling against an Indiana law requiring physicians, hospitals and abortion clinics to report complications arising from abortions.
Planned Parenthood in August conceded defeat in a lawsuit that challenged an Indiana law requiring ultrasounds at least 18 hours before women undergo abortions. That requirement, Attorney General Hill said at the time, is rooted in empowering women with knowledge.
And in February, Attorney General Hill organized and spoke at a South Bend burial service for 2,411 aborted fetuses found last year on the property of the late Dr. Ulrich Klopfer. The fetuses are associated with abortions Dr. Klopfer performed in Indiana clinics located in Fort Wayne, Gary and South Bend.
“AG Curtis Hill has been a great partner in the defense of unborn boys and girls,” said Cathie Humbarger, executive director of Right to Life of Northeast Indiana. “It is impossible to know how many babies have been saved by the efforts of AG Hill and his staff. I look forward to partnering with him to continue this work for many more years.”
Prior recipients of the Daniel Award include now-Vice President Mike Pence, former state Sens. Amanda Banks and David Long, and state Sen. Liz Brown.