Home General News LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Crush and Destroy Culture

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Crush and Destroy Culture


Crush and Destroy Culture

By Richard Moss, M.D.

I have always felt that the term “cancel culture” was far too mannerly and tame.  It scarcely captured the degree of hatred the Left and its social media zealots unleashed with any transgression from woke orthodoxy.  Even doctrinaire liberals tried and true “progressives” with a lifetime of fidelity, have felt the sting of leftist vengeance after betraying the cause on a single, isolated point.  Individuals have been disgraced, careers ended, livelihoods wrecked, and reputations trashed over minor infractions of the progressive canon.  And that is how they treat former friends and allies.  Conservative foes are filleted and quartered outright in broad daylight.  

I recently found myself the target of leftist vitriol and experienced the full fury of “cancel culture.” The events and tactics are worth reviewing.  

I produced a 50-second pro-2nd amendment video in my backyard with my 25-year-old son.  I placed two Trump-Pence signs in front of us.  An American flag behind us. I spoke of my love of country, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, in particular our Second Amendment.  I said that we were not looking for trouble but would not run from it, and tossed out a challenge to “BLM” (Black Lives Matter, the organization).  I closed by saying that I liked President Trump.  Of note, my son and I were holding our respective AR-15s.  Not pointing them, mind you, just holding them.

The context, of course, is the more than 4-month siege on America’s cities, the violence, rioting, and arson occurring since the George Floyd incident on May 25.  Many of us seethe at this ongoing disorder and the unwillingness of Democrat politicians that govern these cities and states to control it.  It is also galling to find our dominant institutions supporting the radical street thugs.  

Into this maelstrom, I posted my 50-second video on my Facebook and Twitter pages.  The next morning, I was seeing patients in my medical practice.  One of my employees who monitors my social media noticed tens of thousands of views and thousands of comments, reactions, and shares.  By the end of the day, it was going “viral,” with both supporters and detractors responding and sharing.  The insults, hatred, and threats, however, were extreme.  

“I’d rather die from cancer than have you as a doctor,” one cheerful commentator mentioned, among many other choice statements far more appalling than that.  

Then came the menacing comments and “doxing” of my home and office as detractors posted my name and address on Facebook and Twitter.  Individuals I had never met called my office, disparaging my work as a physician.  Some asked for the office manager, thinking I was employed, attempting to pressure the employer into firing me.  As I am self-employed, that ploy was not effective.  

The attackers took to my Google business page and left nasty comments and one-star reviews to damage my reputation and practice.  There were threatening and derogatory calls to my local hospital, which had to increase security.  The hecklers contacted my State Medical Board, prodding them to revoke my medical license.  There were also plans for a demonstration at my house that same week on Friday at six PM.  

On the first night of the video, my son, who appeared in the video, was concerned because of the threats and doxing.  He worried about the safety of our home and family but also the impact on his career.  At his request, I deleted the video.  It did not help him.  The next day, he lost his job.  Furthermore, it had already been “screen captured” and spread by others throughout the internet despite removing it from my page.  

On Friday at six PM, the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath, four police cars were outside my house to provide protection.  I met with the police and thanked them.  They seemed supportive.  As it turned out, the protesters did not show.  

As yet, my practice remains busy.  I live my life as always, but with greater awareness of my surroundings.  I have installed security cameras.  And, yes, I carry.

There is a great divide in the country today.   And our opponents have declared war.  Consider that, in this case, there was my 50-second video.  The patriotic, pro-American, pro-2nd amendment, and, perhaps, a bit provocative.  But, merely a video.  On the other side, there have been four months of continuous burning, looting, assault, and murder in our cities.  There have been calls for defunding and abolishing the police.  Democrat politicians, local, state, and national, rather than condemn the mayhem and violence, encourage it as do their media allies.  So, too, the Academy, Hollywood, corporate America, and professional athletes.  BLM and Antifa, the Marxist perpetrators of the turmoil, with the open support of our principal institutions and the Democrat Party, call for “burning down the system.”  They deface synagogues and churches and refer to Jesus as a “white supremacist.”  Yet, in this contest, hardly equivalent, my otherwise harmless little video was sufficient to cause to denounce and threaten me in the vilest ways, including attacks against me personally, my home and family, reputation, career, and livelihood.  

We are in the midst of an assault on our Republic, a Marxist Revolution under the guise of “racial justice.”  Who knows what will come after the election in November?  The passions today are no less extreme than they were in 1860.  Both times, Democrats were attempting to dismantle the nation.  

We are well beyond cancel culture.  The proper term is “crush and destroy a culture.”  But it is worse than that.  It is an insurrection, and the enemy has taken over our leading institutions.  Unwittingly, though, these forces of darkness have roused the sleeping giant.  Patriots and citizens, modern-day Paul Reveres, have organized and pushed back as we have seen in Kenosha, Oregon, Ohio, Colorado, Seattle, and elsewhere, including outside Walter Reed Medical Center, during President Trump’s brief hospitalization. Thousands I had never met rose to defend me in the social media and telephone blitz against me.  We outnumber them.  We can and must defeat, these, the enemies of civilization.   

FOOTNOTE: Richard Moss, M.D., a surgeon practicing in Jasper, IN, was a candidate for Congress in 2016 and 2018. He has written “A Surgeon’s Odyssey” and “Matilda’s Triumph,” available on amazon.com.  Contact him at richardmossmd.com or Richard Moss, M.D. on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The City-County Observer posted this letter without opinion, bias, or editing.


  1. Last time I looked, Sir, Trump was President when COVID hit.

    He hasn’t done a DAMN THING Richard.

    It continues to grow, kill and cancel events!!!

    You got a LOTTA DAMN GALL to suggest somebody else is responsible for the CANCEL culture OTHER THAN DONALD TRUMP, Richard.

    (This guy has nothing in common with S. Indiana people. Nothing. And he struggles, struggles and struggles trying to write columns pretending he gives a DAMN about the everyday folk who live in our community. He is the most insecure person living in our community. “I’m the same as you!” No. No, you’re not. Just stop it Richard.)

  2. Well said Dr. Moss thanks for all you do………….todays “democrats’ are in fact demoncrats/marxist……………………….the girly boys marxist hate alpha males like yourself and MAGA TRUMP………because we are strong and they are weakkkkkkkkkkkkk

  3. Dr. Moss:

    The only thing I see wrong with your excellent article is that not enough voters will read it and understand what your intent is.

    Too often the Democrats are blamed for the hatred in our coiuntry. In my opinion the problem is not with the Democrats, it is with Democratic leadership. I should say with political leadership at the national leadership in general.

    Don’t let the haters get you down. It is obvious that you are stronger than they are.

    The sad part is that the haters get worse every election.

  4. The reason that your opinion piece holds no merit….is because you are part of the ‘cancel culture’ and violent culture. You want to point your finger at other people and try your best to stir up hate and division. If you want to have an intelligent conversation, then you will need to acknowledge what preceded the riots.

    Riots and violence are always wrong, but you want to pretend that a white cop lynching a black man in public and on camera for a horrific 8 minutes and 45 seconds, never happened, right? You want to pretend that the problems in the country just popped up one day and you and the politician/political party that you clung to your assault weapons in honor of…..are merely innocent by standers…..poor little victims, when this could be farther from the truth.

    You gripe and moan about your safety and have the nerve to blame ‘democrats;’ really? Tell me, Dr. Moss…..what has your trump done to every single, honorable public servant and people of the military when they took an oath to tell the truth and uphold the constitution and country? What happened to all of the brave civil servants, like Maria Yovanovitch and purple heart recipient lieutenant colonel Vindman, who were guilty only of telling the truth under oath? What happened to them ALL was trump ruined their careers and his minions leveled such horrific death threats toward them, their spouses and children……that they required secret service detail for protection. Dr. Ford had to leave her home and go in to hiding because of the violent threats leveled against her and her family from trump followers. Given that you nor your trump were brave enough to serve our country, I expect that you would apologize for the way a purple heart recipient was treated by your trump and his followers, no excuses or but, but, buts allowed.

    You want to complain about people being upset because you were openly threatening people of color…..and citizens in your community did not feel this is becoming of a supposed doctor, who takes an oath to ‘do no harm.’ Just how did you expect them to react? Who on earth wants to see their ‘doctor’ threatening black people with an assault weapon? Really, ‘Dr.’ Moss?

    I would love to hear you apologize to Dr. Anthony Fauci on behalf of your trump. You want to rail against the ‘cancel culture,’ when you ARE part of the cancel culture. Dr. Fauci has served 50 years in public service to his country; never taking a political side and never, not once, saying anything negative against trump. He, his wife and daughters also have secret service detail because of very violent death threats from trump followers…….ALL because your trump lied about him and disparaged him. He was removed from his job by your trump…..because he spoke the medical and scientific truth to the american people…..while your trump lied day after day after day to the american people. What are your thoughts regarding the ‘cancel culture’ that you are part of? How do you feel about the people that your trump has spread lies about and ruined their careers? How do you feel about the fact that after Lt. Colonel Vindman testified the truth under oath….trump fired him. Trump did not stop there…..he also fired Vindman’s brother from his government job, as well. Sounds like an overgrown, out of control child, wouldn’t you agree? And…..you are against the ‘cancel culture,’ right?

    What a hypocrit. You, Dr. Moss, is what is wrong with this country. Your hypocrisy is stunning. You want to gripe and moan about ‘poor little me’ and point your finger at what you consider your ‘opposition,’ while taking part in the exact same behavior. However, I would be glad to read that you are also pointing your finger at the ‘cancel and violent culture’ coming directly from trump, your ‘party’ and his followers. How about people in your party plotting to kidnap and murder the Michigan Governor, her husband and 2 young daughters, while also plotting to kill hundreds of police officers……and take control of the state house? What are your thoughts on the FACT that your trump screamed MANY times for people to ‘liberate democratic states.’ His exact words. Well, your party almost succeeded at murdering a sitting governor, her family, hundreds of police officers and a dozen other unlawful acts. Many thanks to the brave men and women of our intelligence agencies who thwarted their attempts just in time. The people in your community deserve to hear your opinion on these things…..given that you are complaining about the ‘cancel culture’ toward you and your accusations about the violence from ‘the democrats.’

    As you can see…..your ‘side’ has been very violent. I do not recall any ‘democrats’ with assault weapons, or even squirt guns, threatening state lawmakers during the pandemic….because there were none. There have been ZERO ‘democrats’ swinging their assault weapons around at polling places trying to intimidate citizens from voting, only your ‘party.’ Riots and violence are always wrong….but you and your party were always silent every time white right wing men used weapons of war to blow our school children to bits….and church parishioners…..and movie goers….synagogues….young people out having fun in clubs, restaurants…..hispanic people shopping with their children at walmart. Certainly, if you are going to rail against rioting……you will also rail against white people hunting and slaughtering children and citizens with weapons of war, right? As a healthcare practitioner with my own clinic……I am much more concerned about human life over my brick and mortar building, as you should be, too……given that you are a doctor. Period.

    Again, your words ring hollow and drip with hypocrisy. Nice try, but I’m doubting few people are feeling much sympathy for a ‘doctor’ who thinks it’s cool to share a public video in which you are swinging your big, bad gun around and threatening people of color.
    Shame on you for dragging your son into a racist, threatening video. Sadly, he paid the price for your ‘great’ idea….while you get to play the victim.

    You owe the community you are supposed to serve an apology for your racist and violent behavior. And yes…it was, and was meant to be, racist. Jasper is supposed to be a welcoming community; not a town filled with crazy people swinging assault weapons around and threatening people of color. Your behavior is in no way becoming of a ‘doctor.’ As a healthcare professional, you should not be taking political sides, and you certainly should not be behaving in a threatening way.

    Please do not bother with ‘it wasn’t a racist video.’ You very well could have claimed this….had you not threatened black people at the end.

  5. to Mary: lot’s of statements completely backward and factually incorrect. After reading your many comments I can see you are fully indoctrinated in the hatred and vitriol of the left. To you nothing to say except, madam you are a fool.

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