We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUEâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
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We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE that last week’s presidential debate has finally created something that almost everyone in the United States can actually agree on?…there seems to be universal agreement that the debate of September 30, 2020, was the worst presidential debate that has ever been held?… President Trump interrupted either Joe Biden or moderator Chris Wallace more than 120 times?…not to be outdone Biden interrupted President Trump nearly 70 times, called him a clown, and told him to “shut up manâ€?…Trump countered with insults as well pointing out that Biden had a drug addict son who was tossed out of the military and greased with 3.5 million dollars from Moscow?… Trump also called Biden dumb?
IS IT TRUE to make things even more chaotic, President Trump has been diagnosed with the deadly COVID19 virus and was videoed working at a desk located at the private Presidential Suite at Walter Reed Hospital?…he must also be doing better because he is also been tweeting and has even taken a short photo-op trip around the hospital in his Presidential limousine to wave at his supporters?
IS IT TRUE we are told that during the next couple of days will be when we know if President Trump is going to recover quickly or be under more critical care for as much as 3 weeks?…it is even possible that his recovery will last until after the election?
IS IT TRUE that all human beings have flaws and being able to tolerate people who are less than perfect is the only way to live in peace?
IS IT TRUE several people are encouraging us to make an endorsement in the Indiana Governors race?  …our answer would have been “YES” if  Suzanne Crouch’s name was listed as a candidate for the Governor of Indiana?
IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the Mayors’ Re-Opening Evansville Task Force will soon announce some much-needed adjustment to their original plans? …we give this committee five (5) cheers for looking for creative ways of keeping local businesses open during the COVID-19 virus crises?
IS IT TRUE we get a kick out of career politicians when are they talking to the masses about the race issues and political, social, economic, judicial, and police injustices? …it’s even more intriguing when career politicians masterfully try to convince the masses that they understand and feel their grief, they understand their economic plight and suffering caused by racial injustice and institutional racism?
IS IT TRUE that we are told by a reliable source at the EVSC that School Superintendent Dr. David Smith may soon announce that no football fans will be allowed to attend future high school football games?
IS IT TRUE we would like to congratulate the candidates running for a position on the Vanderburgh County Council for conducting a positive issue-based campaign?
IS IT TRUE we just received the good news that former CCO Editor Joe Wallace no longer has the deadly COVID -19 Virus? Â …even the COVID -19 Virus couldn’t keep a good man down?
IS IT TRUE we give five (5) cheers to the management at Tropicana-Evansville for providing an extremely safe and clean environment so their partons can experience a gaming experience without the worry of attracting the COVID-19 virus?
IS IT TRUE we wonder what the Board Of Directors of the Evansville Museum has done with the multi-million dollars “PICASSO On Glass” painting?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville city employee’s hospitalization fund has been insufficiently funded over several years? …the city’s hospitalization fund, from which city employee medical claims are paid, has had a negative balance of several millions of dollars over the last several years?  …we are now hearing that the city’s hospitalization fund will continue to be an issue in the proposed 2021 City budget? …all we can say is “very interesting?”
IS IT TRUE we are proud of the success of the Ivy Tech LPN Nursing students because every year they achieve an extremely high pass rate for their LPN State tests? …we would like to congratulate Ivy Tech-Evansville faculty for preparing the LPN student to pass this extremely challenging test?
If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny! Â When the Government fears the people we have Liberty
FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.
I take it as a matter of FACT that nothing coming out of the White House regarding Trump’s health is accurate.
Nothing coming out of the White House can be trusted.
Seriously, our White House under Trump telling America the truth?
That ship sailed a long time ago. And it is now beyond the horizon.
But. They must still report what the White House says. Right?
You will notice, however, even headlines from the Wall Street Journal have qualifiers on them now: “White House says COVID Epidemic Only As Bad as the Flu.”
Trump – 10.2% Real Unemployment is right though.
What the White House says can’t be trusted.
I take it for granted:
The Editor of the CCO knows that too.
The Editor of the Wall Street Journal knows that too.
The Editor of Fox News knows that too.
The Editor of The Guardian knows that too.
The Editor of the NYT knows that too.
The Editor of Pravda knows that too.
Lying is “State Protocol” for the Trump White House.
The U6 unemployment rate is currently 12.4% down from its April high of 20.4%. The U6 includes people who are discouraged and have ceased looking for a job. The U3 which politicians prefer to talk about is at 7.7% down from 14.4% and only included active job seekers. The U6 has always been a better indicator of the reality of unemployment. I am not sure where your 10.2% number came from but it looks like an average of the politicians friend and actual reality.
Yes Sir. I stand corrected.
In fact, with the latest United States Bureau of Labor Stats report, the U-6 is 12.8%.
Trump’s Presidency has been CATASTROPHICALLY BAD for the US Economy.
The facts are disgustingly bad.
Trump is sick w/ COVID.
The economy is a train wreck.
UPDATE: Now Trump’s Press Secretary now has COVID.
Get this fool out of office. God help the USA.
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