EVSC Foundation Accepting Nominations for EVSC Hall of Fame


The EVSC Foundation is currently accepting nominations for the 2020 EVSC Hall of Fame, a biennial award that honors outstanding individuals who have made a positive impact on public education in Evansville or other communities.

“We are so excited to once again collect nominations for those individuals, including EVSC alumni, who exemplify achievement in their life’s work,” said Maureen Barton, EVSC Foundation executive director. “Each year we are blessed to receive many outstanding, qualified individuals to consider for the EVSC Hall of Fame. Narrowing down the applicants is not an easy task, but those who are selected are meant to inspire EVSC students to seek excellence in their own education and careers, and highlight the importance of service to the community.”

The deadline for accepting nominations for the 2020 Class is October 30, 2020 and honorees will be celebrated at the sixth biennial “Hall of Fame: An Evening to Remember” gala that will take place May 2021. Past nominees have included EVSC graduates, affiliates, or have served the school corporation in some way.