Dear Anonymous,
I’m not sure where to start with my thoughts and feelings regarding your anonymously held attack on a person in our community. Maybe it is because you’ve chosen to partake in politics of destruction or maybe it’s because you’ve chosen to do so anonymously which denies any accountability of your actions or intent.
I do not know Ms Carothers very well but what I do know if she is that she is highly educated, thoughtful, and committed to seeing our community be the best that it can be. It is apparent that you (one person or more, don’t know cause you’re anonymous) have some strongly held feelings regarding Tanisha – it is hard to believe these feelings aren’t born out of the wrong place in your heart(s).
The accusations you levy and actions you request are serious. You are essentially threatening someone’s livelihood, working to destroy that person, and asking the council to weigh in on a matter that this body has no authority to do so. City Council has no business telling the members, or committee who chose Tanisha to lead the EBCC, how they should operate or determine the course of action in any matter of the organization. This is no different than any other organization in our city.
Effectively, you are asking us to participate in your efforts to smear, demean, and cancel someone in our community. As a governing body in Evansville, we have all been elected to serve our community to the best of our abilities. Participating would neither serve our community nor bring our best abilities into use.
Considering you feel this is of particular importance to council, I ask you (y’all) why it was only brought to President Burton and not the entire body from the onset? Were you aware that he and Tanisha know each other very well? If so, did you honestly expect any other reaction from him when attacking his friend? I would have the same response if I were in his shoes.
It seems to me that you are now attacking President Burton in the same manner you are Ms Carothers. He didn’t act nor respond how you wanted so he too is subject to your vitriol. Simply because he stands with Ms. Carothers and rejects your attacks on her. You (y’all) could never expect to have honest dialogue when anonymously attacking is the route you chose.
Lastly, I have a few more questions for you. Since you have stated that you’ll take this to the political and social mat, will you continue to do so anonymously? Speaking of anonymously, are you (y’all) the same person(s) who have set up other anonymous email accounts to harass President Burton through his work email and through his efforts with Feeding Evansville? Are you the same anonymous person(s) who called his community-minded colleague at Feeding Evansville an n-word lover? If you aren’t, I have to believe the amount of harassment President Burton has received as of late indicates a greater degree of community ills than I ever believed were true. And if that is true, I will stand with President Burton and work to make sure our community, the City of Evansville, does it’s best to fulfill the E is for Everyone anthem we all want it to be.
Zac Heronemus
3rd Ward City Council
FOOTNOTE: This e-mail letter was sent to Evansville City Council members and passed on to the City-County Observer. Â This letter is posted by the City-County Observer without option, bias, or editing.
The new council thought it was cute when Burton was elected president of the council in lieu of someone with more experience. His obvious inexperience and arrogance became apparent when he attempted to move a small insignificant amount of funds from our police department. There were all sorts of attempts to justify this and it apparently failed. I believe this move was an incrementalist move to set a precedence, which has historically been a liberal tactic. Liberal seem to think that everyone but them are stupid. Burton would benefit from talking to Weinzafel and learn that arrogance can lead to rejection and humiliation. Zac, let Burton cook in his own juices for awhile.
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