BLM Republicans


BLM Republicans

By Richard Moss, MD

I watched the interview of my friend and former political opponent, Senator Mike Braun, Republican of Indiana, on the Tucker Carlson show recently regarding the topic of BLM and police reform.  I know Senator Braun because we are both from Jasper, Indiana, a small town in south-central Indiana.  He attended my children’s bar and bat mitzvahs.  He is an immensely successful businessman whose company employs more than 600 individuals. I came to know Mike when we ran against one another for the state representative seat for Indiana’s 63rd district in 2014 in the Republican primary.  We spoke before the same audiences and sat at the same tables.  We discussed issues and philosophies.  He defeated me handily.

I would not describe him as a movement conservative, which meant that after winning the Senate seat in 2018, he was likely to move leftward once ensconced in D.C.  He favored lower taxes and large deductibles for health insurance coverage.  All well and good, but limited.  Beyond that, I felt he was not well grounded on national or international matters, on energy or immigration.  Nor on cultural issues, which Republicans have ignored, to the nation’s detriment, for decades.  Braun provided a clue of the direction he would take when in his very first year in the Senate he joined with Senator Chris Coons, D-DE to form the first Senate bipartisan caucus on “finding solutions to ‘climate change.’”  Not a good start, Mike.  Still, I thought, in most ways, at least, he would have conservative, common sense instincts as a Jasper man, Midwesterner, and successful businessman.

As many have seen, I could not have been more wrong.  Braun’s response to the post-George Floyd rioting was to introduce a bill named the Reforming Qualified Immunity Act.  This bill would have taken aim at “qualified immunity,” which protects police from frivolous lawsuits pursued in the regular discharge of an officer’s duties.  Braun, in so doing, was accepting the BLM-leftist premise that one of the significant problems confronting blacks in America was the statistically invalid claim that there is widespread police brutality targeting blacks.  He neglected to mention the exploding rates of black out-of-wedlock childbirth, welfare dependency, drug addiction, criminality, incarceration, and the formation of an entrenched black underclass since Great Society.

Braun felt that cops needed to be held accountable.  He brought up the cases of George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, and Breonna Taylor.  He signaled his support for Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization that has called for the killing of police and the abolition of the “Western prescribed nuclear family.”

We also learn of the efforts of Senator John Cornyn, R-TX, who sponsored a bill to make “Juneteenth” a federal holiday.  This day, June 19, marks the anniversary of the last slaves officially liberated in Texas and the Confederacy in 1865 after the Civil War had already ended.  Senators Ron Johnson, R-WI, and James Lankford, R-OK agreed with the bill but went a step further by recommending exchanging it for Columbus Day, effectively eliminating that holiday, a position advocated by BLM Marxists.  Johnson sited concerns over the debt.  This, after Johnson and most of Congress, had already voted for stimulus packages of more than $2 trillion in the wake of the COVID pandemic and a likely federal deficit of $4 trillion for 2020.

In the aftermath of the George Floyd incident on May 25, Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky, announced to reporters on Capitol Hill that “we are still wrestling with America’s original sin [of slavery].” He later spoke of “obvious racial discrimination” in policing that would require legislation.

Joining a protest against police brutality, Republican Senator Mitt Romney of Utah stated that “We need to stand up and say that black lives matter.”  A GOP led Senate Armed Services Committee approved a proposal to strip Confederate names from military bases.  House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, said he was “not opposed” to renaming bases.

These Republican efforts come as avowed Communist activists pull down statues, deface monuments, loot, burn, and pillage their way through the land, undertaking to destroy our economic and political systems and erase our history.  The tactic of destroying memorials of Robert E. Lee and other confederates moved at lightning speed to engulf the founders and other historic American heroes, including Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant, and Frederick Douglass.  Columbus also became a favored target.  He, after all, began the Age of Exploration, and thus the expansion of European powers into the New World, bringing Western civilization in its wake.  For Leftist book burners, Columbus is a genocidal racist, responsible for Western colonialism, slavery, and oppression of “indigenous people.”  Their cultural jihad has now moved to our churches, synagogues, and Jesus himself.  Statues and images of Jesus represent, to the Left, not a middle Eastern Jew of two millennia ago, but a white European and a “form of white supremacy.”

The goal of the anarchist-communists is not limited to the overthrow of the American republic, this most successful exemplar of Western civilization.  No, that would be insufficient for the nihilists who reject all things that occurred before yesterday. Rather, they seek to take their scorched earth revolution to Europe and beyond, to ancient Israel, Athens, Jesus, and the Cross.  Their objective is the obliteration of Western civilization.

In the face of this cultural onslaught by the Left, supported by our dominant institutions, including Academia, the media, the Democrat Party, and corporate America, the Republicans speak of “police reform,” renaming military bases, and eliminating Columbus Day.  But then Republicans begin every confrontation with the Left by accepting their premises and narrative, fighting, in effect, on their territory and disagreeing minimally if at all, seemingly oblivious to the threat.  Wars, however, are not won by playing defense.  Republicans should begin by defending our culture, institutions, and history, which is more than they currently do.  They should extoll our legacy of human rights, liberty, Constitutional governance, and Western achievements in art, music, literature, science, and technology.  Our unparalleled standard of living and material, moral, and spiritual riches should be proudly brandished and upheld.

But Republicans must also go on the offensive, and attack the decadent, degenerate Left, within our country and without, their immorality and social dysfunction, and the pure evil of their ideology, their doctrine of enslavement.  Point out their record of poverty, oppression, and genocide.  Describe the devastation of the Soviet Union, Red China, and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.  Underscore the colossal failures of Marxism, the hundred million deaths that occurred at the hands of socialist dictators.  Wrap the Marxist record of destruction around the necks of their successors in the American Left and the Democrat Party who now openly embrace that corrupt system.  Draw inspiration from a previous Republican leader, Ronald Reagan, who, in another era, confronted tyranny and defended liberty.  Reagan lambasted the Soviets as the “evil empire,” and demanded that Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev “tear down this wall” to the chagrin of RINOs and Democrats of his day.

But that is not what you will get from the BLM Republicans, our chest-less Republican boys.  They are averse to political warfare or lack the stomach for it.  A new political vehicle is required, or the party drastically reformed.  It must become a party and movement that will unabashedly defend our institutions and history.  Only when we have such a party, capable of attacking the Revolutionary Left, can we save the country.  Would that Braun of Indiana, or others in the Republican fold, consider such critical change with the nation under siege?

FOOTNOTES: Richard Moss, M.D., a surgeon practicing in Jasper, IN, was a candidate for Congress in 2016 and 2018. He has written “A Surgeon’s Odyssey” and “Matilda’s Triumph,” available on  Contact him at or Richard Moss, M.D. on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

This article was posted by the City-County Observer without opinion, bias, or editing.



  1. Nice article, spot on. Personally think we are past the tipping point and moderate democrats are looking at the liberal arm of their party and asking, what have we done? In the 60’s while in the military I had the opportunity to attend a seminar conducted by Cleon Skousen, author of the Naked Communist, he covered the 45 goals of the communist party for America. I thought he was a crazy. It has all come to be the truth. Go ahead and defund the police it appears they are no longer protecting honest hardworking Americans and their home and businesses. I do not think this is going to go away. Most people are basically helpless and liberal democrats are controlling the agenda.

  2. Another great article by Dr. Moss. Mike Braun is another major disappointment for Hoosiers. He’s like the recent justices in that, once they are ensconced, their real agendas come to light. Well, it’s not my fault. I’ve voted for Dr. Moss every chance I’ve had and only voted for Braun based on what he said. He lied.

  3. This article just made me respect Mike Braun even more. Doing what you think is right over what your party wants you to do takes courage. It shows why he handily defeated the author in discussions of issues and philosophies. Wish more politicians were open minded.

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