“Addressing Domestic Violence: A Changing Landscape “


ywcaDATE: Friday, October 11th LOCATION: YWCA Parlor TIME: NOON

In its ongoing efforts to promote Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the YWCA will be hosting the Honorable Peter C. Macdonald, retired District Judge, Third Judicial District, Commonwealth of Kentucky for this month’s Personally Speaking Series event. Judge Macdonald will be speaking on the topic “Addressing Domestic Violence: A Changing Landscape”. Domestic violence is a dangerous epidemic spreading across our community, affecting over five million women per year across the United States. These crimes have no regard to age, socio‐economic status, race, religion, or educational background. Without intervention, education and resources, the cycle of violence will continue.

According to the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence Annual Report 2011‐2012, on one day in Indiana:

  • ï‚·  1,051 domestic violence victims found refuge in emergency shelters or transitional housing.
  • ï‚·  788 adults and children received nonresidential assistance and services, including counseling, legal advocacy

    and support groups.

  • ï‚·  435 domestic violence hotline calls were answered.
  • ï‚·  There were 218 unmet requests for services, most because there were not enough emergency shelters and

    transitional housing units. In one year in Indiana:

  • ï‚·  26,536 men, women and children were served by domestic violence programs.
  • ï‚·  Children under the age of 17 accounted for 6,677 of those served.
  • ï‚·  964 people could not find shelter because they were filled to capacity.
  • ï‚·  There were 63,158 crisis calls to domestic violence programs.

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Evansville and Vanderburgh County law enforcement agencies responded to 2,068 domestic violence calls in 2012.

Peter C. Macdonald served as a District Judge in the Commonwealth of Kentucky from 1978 until his retirement on January 6, 2003. Judge Macdonald’s experience in domestic violence cases has led to his teaching throughout the United States and in seven other countries on that subject, with a specialization in the full faith and credit provisions of the Violence Against Women Act and firearms legislation related to domestic violence. Judge Macdonald appeared on 60 Minutes because of his experience with domestic violence and the military. In March 2003, he completed a three‐year term as a member of the Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence, having been appointed by former Secretary of Defense William Cohen. He is currently serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the YWCA of Nashville and Middle Tennessee and as a member of Nashville Mayor Karl Dean’s Domestic Violence Safety Assessment Team. Judge Macdonald is a graduate of Vanderbilt University and the University of Louisville’s Brandeis School of Law.

Now in its 23rd season, the YWCA’s Personally Speaking series continues to raise money for services to victims of domestic violence. Tickets to these noontime presentations are $6.00 and there is general seating. A complete listing of speakers may be found at www.ywcaevansville.org.

The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. The Evansville YWCA is a member of the YWCA of the U.S.A., the oldest and largest women’s membership movement in the country.

Over the years, YWCA programs have changed to meet the evolving needs of women and girls. In 1979, the YWCA opened the first domestic violence shelter in Evansville. Other current programs include a transition housing program for women in recovery, an emergency shelter for homeless women and children, the Live Y’ers after‐school and mentoring program for at‐risk girls in grades 3 through 12, and the Summer Fun day camp for school‐aged children. Special programs and events for the general public are also offered. Visit www.ywcaevansville.org for more information.

YWCA 24‐Hour Domestic Violence Hotline • 866‐367‐9922