Officer suspended following internal investigation, additional punishment to be considered by Police Merit Commission


EPD PATCH 2012On September 18th 2013, the Evansville Police Department Internal Affairs initiated an investigation into allegations that an on-duty officer violated multiple department rules and regulations. The allegations stemmed from the officers interaction with a female at a local business.

The Internal Affairs investigation has been completed. The findings of the investigation have resulted in recommendations from Chief Billy Bolin to the Police Merit Commission. The recommendations include the officer involved in the complaint be suspended without pay for 21 days. The suspension begins immediately. Chief Bolin has also recommended the Police Merit Commission consider dismissal of the officer.

Upon receiving the Chief’s recommendations, the Merit Commission will hear the case at an upcoming meeting. The Merit Commission can affirm the recommendations or change them to a lesser action.

For full details, view this message on the web.


  1. I wasn’t the biggest Bolin fan at first. But he has shown he doesn’t mind throwing out the bad apples. Add to that the cameras every officer is going to wear, I have changed my mind about Bolin. I don’t understand why for so long the EPD stood by problem officers. Just like any other job, when someone abuses their power they should be fired. Thank you Chief Bolin for being one of the more reasonable cheifs we have had locally.

  2. Wish somebody would actually report what this dirtbag did. He’ll get away with it though I’m sure.

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