Make An Impact


University Of Evansville“The vision of the University of Evansville is to be an innovative institution of global reach and reputation where students develop knowledge, skills, and wisdom to lead and serve.”

– Dr. Thomas A. Kazee, President, University of Evansville

Dr. Kazee’s vision is based on the University’s Strategic Plan, Transforming Tomorrow: Our Students, Our University, Our World. That plan has four goals.

  1. Transform the learning environment
  2. Build a robust and rich curriculum and co-curriculum
  3. Enhance and sustain high quality student and residential life
  4. Tell the UE story

The vision is vast and has real costs attached to making the vision a reality. That is why the University Board of Trustees has broken down the projects that are in the vision into a series of modules and asked that we proceed to raise funds for specific projects.

The first module was the Men’s and Women’s Basketball Practice Facility, now completed. The second module, Module II is now in operation. Module II will fund:

  • Bower-Suhrheinrich Library and Clifford Memorial Library – upgrade and modernize the facility. Needed: $3,407,910
  • Hyde Hall – renovation and create flexible and active learning spaces. Needed: $7,837,370
  • Center for Career Development – funds to sustain and expand the program. Needed: $3,000,000 Endowment
  • Reinvigorated Streetscapes – the campus and enhance the look of Walnut Street.
    • Walnut Plaza: $955,075
    • Street Intersections: $3,146,000

Please take a look at each of these projects in Module II.