Gov. Holcomb announces Ruble to leave post from Indiana Department of Labor in July


Indiana Commissioner of Labor Rick Ruble has informed Gov. Eric J. Holcomb that after 23 years of public service he will step down from his position at the end of July.

“Serving citizens over the span of three different Administrations, Rick has devoted every day to advance the safety, health and prosperity of Hoosiers in the workplace including achieving substantial reductions in workplace injuries and illnesses,” Gov. Holcomb said.

Ruble worked at the Indiana Department of Labor in the Research and Statistics division for ten years before attending law school. After graduating from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Ruble was in private law practice before returning to the Department of Labor in 2007 as deputy commissioner and general counsel. He was appointed Commissioner of Labor in 2013 by then-Gov. Mike Pence.

Under Commissioner Ruble, Indiana reduced workplace injuries and illnesses to the lowest level in the state’s history in 2018, was ranked among the nation’s top five states with the most exemplary employer workplace safety programs, and was noted in a national study as one of the safest places to go to work in the United States. Ruble has also led the agency to reduce wage-claim processing from an average of 258 days per case, to 28 days per case on average.

Ruble’s final day will be July 24.