“IS IT TRUE” JUNE 8, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.

IS IT TRUE that for centuries violent and peaceful protests have brought economic, political, and social changes not only in America but in countries all over the world?  … sometimes these protests forced needed changes and sometimes not? …that social media has been a powerful tool in getting the message out to the masses in order to inform, organize, and motivate people to join a crusade?

IS IT TRUE over the last several weeks, we have witnessed peaceful and violent protests throughout America? …the death of George Floyd by the hands of several Minneapolis law enforcement officers was the tipping point that awakened America?

IS IT TRUE we support those who have taken to the streets to exercise their First Amendment rights to peacefully express their anger and sorrow about George Floyd’s death?  …we strongly opposed the discrimination and racial injustice shown to people of color?  …we also oppose discrimination of people of all races, color, creed, religion, and sexual orientation?

IS IT TRUE although we support peaceful protests we don’t support violent protests in which the protesters hurt people and burn and loot businesses?  …in fact, we strongly feel protesters who hurt people, burn and loot businesses and destroy personal property should be arrested and put in jail?

IS IT TRUE it’s obvious that the time for empty political promises and empty dialog to come to an end? … its time for elected officials, law enforcement officials, judges, civil rights activists, legislative bodies, community leaders, citizens, and clergy to sit down and have an open and pointed discussion on how to begin the long and challenging task on how to end the race, political, social, economic injustices while addressing judicial and law enforcement reforms?
IS IT TRUE we got a kick out of career politicians when are they talking to the masses about the race issues and political, social, economic, judicial, and police injustices? …it’s even more intriguing when career politicians masterfully try to convince the masses that they understand and feel their grief, they understand their economic plight and suffering caused by racial injustice and institutional racism? …did we say that some of these career politicians wear Brook Brothers clothes, are members of a private County Club, and enjoy extensive social perks and financial benefits by being a long term elected public official?
IS IT TRUE if people continue to conduct their personal business as they did in the past they could catch the deadly COVID-19 virus and may become very sick or even die?
IS IT TRUE several years ago Evansville city officials spent $14 million on the North Main corridor to provide off-street parking, created an up-to-date bike trail, installed new street lighting to improve security in that area, installed new sidewalks, planted trees and scrubs, replaced water-sewer and gas lines and repaved streets? … the reasons are given for this $14 million capital project are that it will generate economic development and improve the quality of life for people living in that area? …it’s been about two years since this project was completed?  …we invite you to go to the North Main corridor area and see what kind of new retail businesses that this $14 million dollar public works project has attracted during the last several years?  …we also invite you to personally tour the 500 to 700 blocks of East Franklin and East Michigan streets and you will see community poverty and blight at its worse?
IS IT TRUE it’s time for our elected officials to look for ways to improve the multi-racial impoverished and blighted Jimtown and Jacobsville area?
IS IT TRUE there are other multi-racial and impoverished blighted areas located in Evansville 2nd, 4th, and 6th City Council Wards that elected officials should begin looking at improving in the near future?  …once they do they will quickly realize that “E Isn’t For Everone”?
IS IT TRUE that City Council President Alex Burton, Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, Police Chief Billy Bolin, Sheriff  Dave Wedding, and a couple of citizens had a moment of silence and ceremony for George Floyd last Friday?…this event was thoughtful and meaningful during these uncertain times?…we wonder why wasn’t any County Council, County Commissioners or City Council (other than Burton) invited to attend this worthy community event?

IS IT TRUE that we been told that our elected officials may be considering increasing our taxes in 2021?…we wonder how on earth can elected officials even think about any tax increases during times like these? …we got a suggestion that most elected officials won’t talk about or considering doing is cutting budgets and laying people off?

IS IT TRUE there may come a time that allowing public employees to be able to retire near full pay when the private taxpayers who toil to pay the taxes that cover their pensions is a situation that may not be tolerated for much longer?
IS IT TRUE that it is a common practice for a County Assessor to quietly increase home values? …to protest these increases, the homeowner has to obtain a certified appraisal costing at least $300?  …that the cost of the protest will cost approximately the same amount of money as the increase in our property taxes?  …it is also a common practice by County Assessors that even if the homeowner pays the cost of the appraisal and wins, the very next year the County Assessor will increase the home values back to the original increase and then some?
IS IT TRUE that Perry Township Trustee Rick Riney has proven to be an outstanding public servant?
IS IT TRUE in 1998 the Teamsters Local 215 established a Taft-Hartley Scholarship Fund? …the Trustees of the fund are Chuck Whobrey and Rick Voyles as employee Trustees and two Employer Trustees? ..since 1998 the fund has awarded over $4 million dollars in scholarships to the sons and daughters of Teamsters members whose employers contribute to the fund? …we look forward to publishing what worthy students will be awarded this scholarship for this year? …the CCO gives five (5) cheers to the Teamsters  Local 215 for establishing the Taft-Hartley Scholarship Fund?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?

IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: If the election for the President Of The United States were held today who would you vote for?
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  1. What a well-written IS IT TRUE today.

    Something settled in recently. The real GOP, the honest Republicans who will run our Country again someday, well they realized Trump’s days are over. It is more costly to support Trump now than to point out he is bad for the Country and should be defeated in the next election.

    To Editor’s point: The protests HAVE been largely peaceful. That pisses off the “at any cost support Trump” fans who WANT riots. They actually use the words “riots” to describe “peaceful protests”…but honest Americans clearly recognize that listening to them is “like driving by mowed lawns you stop noticing.” That these people’s days ARE OVER.

    Any efforts to “de-fund Police Departments” is stupid, foolish and the ignorant clap-trap of far left liberals who have as few brains as the “at any cost support Trump” fans. (One of whom is clearly unemployed – the self-hating most prolific poster ever at the CCO – who is reading this getting upset at the very idea that “Trump has clearly lost the confidence of the majority of Americans, especially the US Military Brass.”)

    Thank you Editor.

  2. POLL SHOCK: TRUMP APPROVAL 38% – Trump losing ground to Biden amid chaotic week.

    As protesters gather daily near the White House and the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the American public is souring on President Donald Trump. A new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS finds Trump’s approval rating down 7 points in the last month as the President falls further behind presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, whose support now stands at its highest level in CNN polling.


      • It’s so nice to hear from the sycophant. This is a joke, right? Or do you do not realize you are a cliche? Predictable. A follower? Get me coffee Norm.

    • HOW






      Trump has the worst economic record of any President in US History!

      You want more of that?

    • you appear to think its normal to have gross horrible unemployment and an economy that sucks. that’s not normal. what kind of life is this? are you an idiot? this is america. we aint gonna stand by and live like trash. go somewhere else eviltaxpayer.

  3. The liberal reaction is to make themselves feel better:

    It’s come to this: ‘Guilty’ whites, including cops, kneel, wash feet of black community leaders

    …On Sunday, a group of privileged whites in Cary, N.C., atoned for their sins during a prayer walk by kneeling and washing the feet of black community leaders. As Yahoo News explains:

    At some point during the walk, Faith and Soboma Wokoma, who helped host the event, sat down on a park bench and members of the community surrounded them, washing their feet while asking for forgiveness….


    • this kind of post. it is a fabricated narrative to create fear, hate and division.
      precisely it is, with supporters like this, trump is losing

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