Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” MAY 23, 2020


Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” MAY 23, 2020

“Right Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have a couple of commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give our more opinionated readers exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and Middle Jab and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “MIDDLE JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “LEFT JAB” is a liberal view, “MIDDLE JAB” is the libertarian view and the “RIGHT JAB is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments in this column is free to do so.


  1. Slipping Joe updates:

    Herschel Walker Blasts Biden for Comments on Black Voters: ‘You Don’t Determine Who We Vote For’

    …Walker took to Twitter and let the former Veep know that “black and brown skinned people can think for themselves.”…..

    Walker took to Twitter and let the former Veep know that “black and brown skinned people can think for themselves.”

    Walker took to Twitter and let the former Veep know that “black and brown skinned people can think for themselves.”

    Walker took to Twitter and let the former Veep know that “black and brown skinned people can think for themselves.”


    BET Founder Robert Johnson: Joe Biden ‘Should Spend the Rest of His Campaign Apologizing to Every Black Person He Meets’

    “VP Biden’s statement today represents the arrogant and out-of-touch attitude of a paternalistic white candidate who has the audacity to tell Black people, the descendants of slaves, that they are not Black unless they vote for him,” Johnson said in a statement obtained by Fox News’s Bret Baier.

    “This proves unequivocally that the Democratic nominee believes that Black people owe him their vote without question; even though, we as Black people know it is exactly the opposite. He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every Black person he meets.”


  2. More when liberals are in charge:

    Ignoring Warnings, Mich. Dem AG Sued to RAISE Lake Level Ahead of Dam Break—to Protect Mussels

    In her ongoing audition to be Joe Biden’s veep pick, Michigan Dem Governess Gretchen Whitmer all but convicted a private dam owner for the disastrous floods that struck the middle of the state last Wednesday.

    However, it wasn’t the dam company that was trying to save a few clams—it was Whitmer’s radical attorney general, Dana Nessel.

    Nessel was suing the dam company to raise the lake level three feet in order to save mussels—both endangered and common—and in their response, the dam company cited safety as a reason for not doing so….

    Nessel was suing the dam company to raise the lake level three feet in order to save mussels—both endangered and common—and in their response, the dam company cited safety as a reason for not doing so.


  3. More liberal tyranny:

    Mayor de Blasio Claims NY Businesses Are Doing Fine and Can Stay Closed For Months

    …City Councilman Mark Gjonaj blasted the mayor’s remarks.

    “Out of all the things that have come out of his mouth, this is the most outrageous. He lives in a de Blasio land. That is the furthest thing from the truth,” said the Bronx Democrat, who chairs the council’s small business committee.

    “He is not in touch with reality and all he has to do is walk down a commercial corridor to understand what is happening to our small businesses,” Gjonaj said.

    “He is setting up the city for failure. He’s going to leave City Hall in the [worst] condition that this city has experienced since World War II and the Great Depression,” he said.

    de Blasio is a man who has never worked in the private sector, never owned a business, never met a payroll. His entire life has been spent in government jobs, sinecures that did not prepare him to deal with a crisis of this magnitude….


  4. America’s Gay Hero

    The rise and rise of Richard Grenell.

    If you’d told me a couple of decades ago that leading conservative commentators would one day be celebrating an openly gay man as an American hero, I’d never have believed it. But that’s exactly what’s happening now. The man in question, of course, is Richard Grenell, currently serving both as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany and as the Acting Director of National Intelligence, and hence a member of the Cabinet.

    It was under intense pressure from Grenell that the House Intelligence Committee, on May 7, released the transcripts of 53 interviews conducted privately in connection with the probe into President Trump’s alleged Russian ties. In those interviews, former members of the Obama Administration – several of whom had publicly insisted, on cable news shows and elsewhere, that there was firm evidence of collusion between Trump and the Kremlin – swore under oath that they were unaware of any such evidence…

    No, it doesn’t matter that Richard Grenell is gay. But at the same time it does. Partly because a few people still need to learn that not all gays are pedophile socialist drag queens, but mostly because the fact that a gay man plays a key role in the Trump Administration drives the left absolutely nuts…

    The left-wingers who control the gay press have long considered it their prerogative to decide who is and isn’t properly gay. In 2016, after PayPal billionaire Peter Thiel gave a rousing pro-Trump speech at the GOP convention, the Advocate’s Jim Downs wrote a widely cited article in which he pronounced that Thiel, because of his politics, couldn’t rightly be called gay. Grenell has gotten the same treatment…..


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