Beshear, McConnell Secure Support for Rural Kentucky Hospitals


    Crucial Financial Support Secured from the Trump Administration for Kentucky Hospitals on the Frontline of the Coronavirus 

    Frankfort, Ky. (April 3, 2020)  — Governor Andy Beshear (D-KY) and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced today the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Kentucky’s request to recover Medicaid federal match rates and provide federal funds for a payment benefiting over 50 rural hospitals in the commonwealth.

    The total amount of federal funds will be determined by CMS and will help pay hundreds of millions in damages resulting from a state court order between the commonwealth and rural hospitals regarding Medicaid inpatient rates. Gov. Beshear asked CMS to exercise its authority to dedicate federal Medicaid funds owed to rural hospitals.

    Following a request from the Beshear administration, Senator McConnell’s office contacted senior officials at CMS and at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reiterating the importance of a quick and positive decision for Kentucky’s rural hospitals.

    “We fought hard for this funding, which will now help dozens of Kentucky’s rural hospitals with the crucial support they need to help fight against COVID-19 and confront this pandemic in the commonwealth,” said Gov. Andy Beshear. “I want to thank Senate Majority Leader McConnell for helping us secure this essential funding for our rural health care providers.

    “As Kentucky’s rural hospitals and medical professionals stand on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis, I’m glad the Trump administration answered our call to deliver these critical federal funds,” said Senator McConnell. “As Senate Majority Leader, I was proud to raise this important Kentucky priority to the highest levels of the federal government. I look forward to continuing to work with Governor Beshear and our rural hospitals to help give them the tools necessary to care for patients and fulfill their mission.”