Libertarian Andrew Horning to run for IN 8th CD, calls for series of public town hall debates –


Andrew Horning

Janitors play an important role. You’d never think of hiring one without interviewing the applicants face-to-face. At the very least you would do your best to determine who’d be most likely to be an asset instead of a liability; who would show up on time, and not be an embarrassment to your firm. If you’re smart, you’ll interview as many janitorial candidates as possible, and gather as much information as possible before making your choice. Should hiring a congressman be so much less rigorous than our process for hiring janitors, or cashiers, or…anything else? This is no joke. We The People are in terrible trouble in no small part because we make life and death choices with terrible, shallow, irrelevant and even false information. We hire by labels, slogans, words written by people who aren’t even applying for the job, with money from you-know-very-well-where. I am applying for the job of Indiana’s 8th US Congressional district Representative. This job is important enough that there should be serious, in-depth and in-person job interviews with tough questions and non-scripted answers. Voters should see what their options really are; not just the crafted “message” and marketing that tainted money buys. I propose at least one public forum in each of CD 8’s 18+ counties; and I propose the format of the forums be designed to discourage canned speeches and maximize public interaction. And of course I propose that these forums include all candidates who will be on the ballot in 2014. I applaud the League of Women Voters for the televised debates they’ve sponsored for this district, and of course hope for another televised debate. But voters need all the information they can get; and they should have no excuses for not getting it. It is important; now more than ever.


  1. I would like to see debates on a lot of things. Particularly, I’d like to see a debate between Mayor Winnecke and John Dunn over this hotel deal. I think the Council should demand such a head to head debate and moderate before a vote.

    • I would like to see a incremental discounted cash flow ROI using a hurdle/discount rate of 4%(the interest in the bonds used to finance the project). -$44M out in year Zero and then the TIF, food and beverage tax receipts and the COIT proceeds coming in thereafter. Give them the 67% occupancy rate. Give them(the supporters) every benefit of the doubt. No end of life/redemption value though after 25 years. I predict they would still come up short.

      I would even be happy with a 0% return. My calculations show a double digit negative ROI.

  2. Andrew was honest enough to state that he understood what Richard Mourdock meant in his statement about the rape exception. It showed character on Andrew’s part and he certainly has my ear.

  3. I’ve known Andy for several years now, and had the privilege to campaign with him some while he was running for senate. He is an outstanding human being who cares about this country, and our state and has dedicated a large portion of his own personal time and money to work on helping to protect our rights. I fully support his run for congress, and will do what I can to help him win in 2014. Here is a link to his fb page. I suggest everyone checks it out, as well as any other candidates running. If you ignore the party affiliation and vote for the person you think has the best ideas and the best interests of the people in this district, I am confident you will vote for Andy as well.

  4. Wayne why don’t you go to bed. You done enough damage to the conservative cause this week.

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