Home Breaking News Landlord-Tenant And Abortion Bills Among Those Advancing In The Legislature

Landlord-Tenant And Abortion Bills Among Those Advancing In The Legislature


Landlord-Tenant And Abortion Bills Among Those Advancing In The Legislature

Staff Report

INDIANAPOLIS—Bills dealing with the landlord-tenant issues, the state Board of Accounts, abortion, and education were among those that saw action in the Indiana General Assembly Thursday:

Senate Bill 340: Landlord-tenant issues

What it does: The bill started out defining property rights and offering some protections to landlords and renters. But it had been amended in a House committee to limit the ability of local municipalities to regulate landlord-tenant issues without the approval of the General Assembly. The city of Indianapolis had just enacted a tenant-friendly bill.

What happened: Rep. Robin Shackleford, D-Indianapolis, offered an amendment to the bill that would have removed the language limiting the ability of local communities to act but it failed largely along party lines.

What’s next: SB 340 will have a third reading and be voted on in the House at a later date.

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House Bill 1108: State Board of Accounts

What it does: HB1108 makes various changes to statutes concerning the state Board of Accounts, including adding  a definition of a “responsible officer of an audited entity.” HB 1108 also allows the audit committee to determine the amount of the bond for the state examiner, deputy examiners, and field examiners based on applicable risk considerations.

What happened: Sen. Mark Stoops, D-Bloomington, made another attempt to put language in the legislation that would require more accountability of virtual and charter schools but lost in a voice vote on the Senate floor. The amendment would have required charter and virtual schools to submit independent audits to the state Department of Education. Stoops noted that the state Board of Accounts found that two virtual schools had inflated enrollments and collected $86 million that they weren’t entitled to.

What’s next: The bill now moves to full Senate for further action.

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Senate Bill 299: Disposal of fetal remains

What it does: SB 299, authored by Sen. Liz Brown, R-Fort Wayne, says that a woman who has an abortion that has been induced by a drug has the right to take the fetal remains back to their health care facility or abortion clinic to be disposed of by cremation or burial.

What happened: The bill passed the House by a 77-13 vote. The House sponsor, Rep. Christy Stutzman, R-Middlebury, said the bill makes women aware that they have a choice as to what to do with the fetal remains.

What’s next: SB 299 will now head to Gov. Eric Holcomb’s desk for his signature before it becomes law.

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Senate Bill 398: Various education matters

What it does: Provides that upon request youth membership programs can come into a public school at least once a year to provide information about their organization to students on school property.

What happened: Rep. Jeffrey Thompson, R-Lizton, proposed an amendment that would require schools to let certain youth membership programs, like the Boy Scouts, to have one day each school year to meet with students and introduce who they are, but take away the ongoing meeting requirement. Four Democrats spoke against the bill, saying that the amendment takes away too much control from the school and forces them to do something they should not have to. The amendment passed 62-26.

What’s next: SB 398 will be considered for a vote in the House.

FOOTNOTE: Lacey Watt and Haley Carney contributed to this report. They are reporters for TheStatehouseFile.com, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.

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