We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that local Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican party Wayne Parke is becoming known as the “Let’s Make A Deal Monty Hall” of local politics?

IS IT TRUE that the announced Republican candidate for District #1 County Commissioner seat, Reverend William Garrett has abruptly withdrawn as a candidate for that seat?  …that Reverend Willaim Garrett will soon announce that he’s now a candidate for the At-Large County Council seat? …we are told that this unexpected last-minute political move by Revered Billy Garrett was encouraged by the local GOP Party Chairman Wayne Parke?
IS IT TRUE we been told that a politically unknown may be postured to file for the Republican Vanderburgh County Commission District #1 seat just vacated by Revered Billy Garrett …we been told that this Friday Zac Rascher may declare that he will be the Republican candidate in District #1 County Commissioner race? …we hope that Mr. Rascher is aware that he will be challenging one of the most connected and respected elected officials in Vanderburgh County whose political war chest of well over $200,000??…we been told that GOP Party Chairman Wayne Parke may have also encouraged Mr. Rascher to run for the District #1 County Commission seat?
IS IT TRUE we are told if anyone is considering to run for the Vanderburgh County Commissioner or the County Council positions from day one they better be ready to start attending committee and commission meetings and seminars; official ribbon-cutting events; attending public hearings; attending numerous County Departments head meetings; looking at many drainages and roads issues problems throughout the County; attend numerous official luncheon and dinner functions and spending many hours a week reading about and researching future county issues?  …it is also a fact that the Vanderburgh County Commission and County Council positions should be considered a full-time job with part-time pay?
IS IT TRUE we are told if anyone is considering to run against any incumbent Vanderburgh County Commissioner in order to be competitive they better be ready to spend around $100,000?  …we are told that this is the amount money the incumbents are planning to spend on political mailings, local and cable TV ads, money on radio advertising, advertising in on-line and print newspapers, pay the get-out-the-vote campaign workers and the salary of a full-time campaign coordinator?
IS IT TRUE that a long time employee of the Vanderburgh County Surveyor office is running for the soon to be vacated County Surveyor position? …the current County Surveyor, Jeff Mueller has just announced that he’s retiring at the end of this year? ….that life long Democrat Linda Freeman has officially announced that she’s running for the Vanderburgh County Surveyor position as a Republican?  …look Mr. Parke once again worked his political magic?
IS IT TRUE the race for Vanderburgh County Council At-Large seats has finally taken shape? ..the local Democratic Party will have a strong County Council At-Large ballot?  …the candidates are incumbent County Councilman Mike Goebel, former County Councilman Ed Bassemeier and the well-known community activist Amy Back?
IS IT TRUE the Republicans will have two incumbent County Council At-Large members running for re-election?  ….they are the well respected Joe Kiefer and Angela Koehler Lindsay?…Rev. Willaim Garrett will be the third candidate running for the County Council At-Large seat on the Republican side?
IS IT TRUE that incumbent County Recorder, Debbie Stucki, is running for re-election? …her Democrat challenger is the well-liked, Ken McWilliams?  …that County Recorder Debbie Stucki is known not to be an aggressive campaigner?  …because of that, we are told that this race could be to close to call?
IS IT TRUE we are told that several key Vanderburgh County Democratic party mover shakers are really upset that the Chairperson of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party hasn’t developed a strategy to challenge every Vanderburgh County offices that are controlled by Republicans?  …many people feel that this is a major tactical political mistake because this year people can vote for the  President of the United States and the voter turnout will large?
IS IT TRUE that some connections are being made that cause people think there is more to Crescent Valley Capital LLC relationship with “Hope of Evansville”?
IS IT TRUE that in the records of the Vanderburgh County Assessors website show that both Crescent Valley Capital and Hope of Evansville both have the same address?…that address is 318 Main Street Suite 101 in Evansville, Indiana?…that address is Innovation Pointe?…an examination of the website for the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville (GAGE) does not list either organization as being one of the clients of Innovation Pointe?…GAGE manages the Innovation Pointe building so perhaps asking GAGE which currently is doing a search for a new CEO may shine some light on the series of questionable transactions and co-location which give the illusion of a possible conflict of interest?
IS IT TRUE that Evansville is a diverse community with dire need of safe and affordable housing? …we find it interesting that the affordable properties managed by the HOMES OF EVANSVILLE  are listed as a subsidiary of HOPE Of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that HOPE OF EVANSVILLE posted in their “OUR HISTORY” section of their online website the following statement?  …they posted that HOPE Of EVANSVILLE has provided local businesses with loans to help improve and grow their business. Both businesses are minority-owned.  One is a daycare and the other is a catering business. These loans total $12,500.”  …we didn’t know that HOPE OF EVANSVILLE is also in the banking business?
IS IT TRUE that “CCO Mole #7” just uncovered another transaction between Crescent Valley Capital and Hope of Evansville on the same day when the 101 E. Tennesse was purchased that resulted in a 100% profit for Crescent Valley Capital?…a dilapidated house at 16 East Louisiana was bought by Crescent Valley Capital for $4,000 and flipped to Hope of Evansville 6 weeks later for $8,000?…this rounded out a pretty lucrative 6 weeks for Crescent Valley Capital in which it made $10,000 on an investment of $9,000 for a profit of 110%?
IS IT TRUE the question is “What is an online newspaper called”?  …the answer is “An online newspaper is the online version of a newspaper, either as a stand-alone publication or as the online version of a printed periodical. Going online created more opportunities for newspapers, such as competing with broadcast journalism in presenting breaking news in a more timely manner”?
IS IT TRUE the question is “What day of the week is the newspaper most read?”   …the answer is “Assuming we’re talking about a paper that publishes seven days a week: Most people work Monday through Friday. Some people get the paper on their way to or from work. Some people only get the Sunday paper — usually, it has a lot more news to read and has a lot of coupons to clip?
IS IT TRUE the question is “What is the benefit of an Internet publication over newspaper”?  …the answers “Online newspapers are a popular way to publish content on general or specific newsworthy happenings. They are cheaper to produce than traditional print newspapers and have the potential to reach a wider and more global audience”?
IS IT TRUE the question is: “What is the most read part of the newspaper”? …the answer is “The most popular newspaper section is ‘Local/domestic/national news’ (read by 65% of the readers), followed by ‘Sports’ (read by 59%). The least popular sections are ‘Home & Decoration’ (read by 13%) and ‘Letters from the Readers’ (read by 12%)”?
IS IT TRUE that the community is wasting no time in displaying who they want to lead Vanderburgh County in 2020?…that County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave and County Commissioner Ben Shoulders will be the two keynote speakers tomorrow night at the SIBA (Southern Indiana Builders Association) Board of Directors dinner at Tropicana?… Commissioner Shoulders and Commissioner Musgrave will also serve as this year’s Grand Marshalls in the annual Vanderburgh County Mardi Gras Parade?… that in the past such Grand Marshalls have been Mayor Winnecke, Sheriff Wedding, Don Mattingly, Lilly King and many other prominent celebrities and community leaders?

IS IT TRUE County Commissioner Musgrave and County Commissioner Shoulders continue to lead with good public policy, fiscal conservatism, experience and vision for our community?….we wonder why local GOP Chairman, Wayne Parke, insists on recruiting someone to run against BOTH these popular, well funded Vanderburgh County Commissioners?…both Commissioner Musgrave and Commissioner Shoulders have served with both former Commissioner Bruce Ungethiem and current Commissioner Jeff Hatfield and have accomplished many things including historic projects since 2016?
IS IT TRUE we want to thank Kalah Hirsch, Records Specialist, and the Asst. IDACS Coordinator for Evansville Police Department for sending us the dally EPD MEDIA report in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Ray Simmons, Director of Athletic Communications at USI for sending current sports happenings at that fine University?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty
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