IS IT TRUE January 30, 2020


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE we give 5 cheers to District 77 State Representative Ryan Hatfield for convincing the Indiana House of Representatives to approve his amendment to lower prescription drug costs?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that there is a long list of extremely talented and qualified practicing attorneys who will be applying for the Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge position?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if you would spend $251,000 of your own money to purchase and renovated a house located at 101 East Tennesse Street, Evansville? …we bet your answer is a resounding  ‘Hell No”

IS IT TRUE that a CCO poster said “I have lived in this area for over 55 years and this home has been in disrepair since I was a kid.  This is totally ridiculous. We have senior citizens, veterans and poor working-class homeowners that need new roofs, HVAC, windows, etc. This is a slap in our faces. This money can buy a least 3 Habitat homes. The majority of my Jacobsville/Jimtown neighbors are tired of DMD forcing this type of spending and projects down our throats, we don’t like the taste of it”?

IS IT TRUE that another one of our posters made the following comment that we felt worth reposting concerning the property located at 101 East Tennesse Street?  …he said “they could build a new home for a hell of a lot less than $240,000 and there is no way that this house would ever be worth what u people are talking putting into it? …he also said: that’s why our government is in the shape it’s in is because of people that are willing to spend taxpayers money an not give a dam how they spend it”!

IS IT TRUE it looks like the last time HOPE OF EVANSVILLE filed their Annual Report was in 2016?  …the reason why we assumed that this statement is accurate is that the 2016 Annual Report was posted on their website?

IS IT TRUE that Hope of Evansville has come under intense pressure to own up to just how and why it makes any sense whatsoever to spend over $240,000 on refurbishing a  house that was purchased for $11,000? …look at today’s “READERS POLL” and you shall quickly see that the general public is totally opposed to this type of wasteful spending of there taxpayer’s dollars?

IS IT TRUE that Hope OF Evansville responded with a public statement in their ONLINE NEWSLETTER by stating that they tried hard to repurpose that $240,000 HUD grant to building a duplex or other shelter solution only to be denied that opportunity by our federal government?

IS IT TRUE our federal government routinely spends $700 on hammers and $500 on toilet seats and apparently $250,000 on refurbishing $11,000 house?…these types of wasteful expenditures of taxpayers dollars are insane and is a prime example of  “PORK BARREL” projects at its worse?

IS IT TRUE that HOPE OF EVANSVILLE recently stated in their on-line Newsletter that they have contracted with Crescent Valley to complete the work?…this is the name of the business located in Innovation Pointe that bought 101 East Tennessee for $5,000 and sold it to HOPE OF EVANSVILLE  a month later for $11,000?…it is worth asking the question how can a business that sold a dilapidated house located in a seedy area for a 120% profit can then be hired by HOPE OF EVANSVILLE to refurbish the shack they sold earlier for a 120% profit?

IS IT TRUE last week the of the Evansville Director Kelly Coures stated on local TV that over a period of time that $200,000 plus homes located in less than attractive neighborhoods have been rehabilitated over the years?  …we hope that Mr. Coures made a non-thinking remark that his organization spent $200,000 plus to rehab additional dilapidated homes in less than attractive neighborhoods?…just in case Mr. Coures statement was correct we would like to see a complete list of the homes that he recently made reference to on live TV?

IS IT TRUE that “Mole” #3 alleges that there could even more such deals in the making? … the CCO would like to see the public informed of just how many projects like this are in the queue and how much more money is going to be wasted through the efforts of this group?

IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Would you spend $251,000 of your own money to purchase and renovated a house located at 101 East Tennesse Street?
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Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.






  1. Does Hunter Biden own Crescent Valley? Making returns like that from public dollars sounds more like the Biden family than some Evansville house flipper. Crescent Valley is milking these taxpayer dollars like an ex senior government official. The question should be who owns Crescent Valley and what makes them eligible for all of this government largesse. I smell a nest of rats in those old houses.

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