We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 

IS IT TRUE next week a presentation will be made to the Vanderburgh County Council concerning the proposed expansion to the Vanderburgh County jail?  …that officials of  the Vanderburgh County Authority, Sheriff Office and StructurePoint Engineering will present four (4) jail design proposals to the County Council? …the four (4) designs costs will range between $20 plus million dollars to $90 million dollars?  …we are told that the majority of Vanderburgh County Commissioners will support the $90 million jail design and the Vanderburgh County Council will vote for a smaller jail design by a slim majority?

IS IT TRUE on December 4, 2019 at high noon at the Civic Center the Board of Park Commissioners is scheduled to approve and execute the Board Recommendation for Wesselman Par 3 Golf  Course?  …Commissioner Stewart will be present the decision  concerning the future of at Wesselman Par 3 Golf course? …our prediction is it  won’t be good news for those who enjoy playing golf at Wesselman?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville attorney Charlie Berger took the bull by the horns last week and requested public information from the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation School Board members? …Mr. Berger made it very clear that he was taking this action as a concerned citizen and chose the right forum to make his request? …he even stated his  intention to wait a respectable amount of time to pass while members of the EVSC School Board assemble the requested materials and made them available to him?

IS IT TRUE that school board President Karen Ragland disappointed many people when she took offense to Mr. Berger’s request for detailed information from the EVSC?

IS IT TRUE its a known fact that elected officials in the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County understands the Sunshine Laws of Indiana?…keeping public information from a member of the public is illegal and Karen Ragland has been in and around government long enough to know this?

IS IT TRUE we already know how this will play out because highly regarded  attorney Charles Berger has let it be known that he will only wait 15 days to take the next step?…Karen Ragland may be in for a series of surprises because attorney Charlie Berger has a reputation for following the law to a letter and he usually comes out on the winning side of any legal process he takes on?

IS IT TRUE if there were some bets to be made, the smart money would be on citizen Charlie Berger to prevail?…Karen Ragland on the other hand will be learning a valuable lesson on how to be a competent, knowledgeable, and a good steward of the public trust?…she will also have the opportunity to learn when to be quiet?

IS IT TRUE we been told that past e-mail records of former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel doesn’t exist in City Government archives anymore? …if our information is correct we wonder why someone would delete former Mayor Weinzapfel e-mail archives? …we also wonder if any of the e-mail archives of former Evansville Mayors are also missing?

IS IT TRUE in 2019 the democratic controlled Evansville City Council voted  to retain the services of attorney Josh Claybourn? …that Mr. Claybourn has developed a reputation of working with members of the Evansville Council in a non-partisan manner? …we are told that Mr. Claybourn political views are moderate to conservative depending on the issues? …our “MOLES” are telling us as of today Mr. Claybourn chances of being retained by the Democratic controlled City Council for 2020 are very good?

IS IT TRUE we are told that State Representative Ryan Hatfield has been extremely aggressive in pursuing the Evansville City Council attorney job? ..that several of the newly elected City Councilors are turned off because they feel that Mr. Hatfield is being too aggressive?

IS IT TRUE we are told that former Evansville Mayor Weinzapfel recently had lunch with the most conservative member of the Evansville City Council discuss the 2020 City Council attorney job? …all we can say about this is “very interesting”?

IS IT TRUE it looks like the days of those who claim to be a “kingmaker” in local politics may be coming to an end?

IS IT TRUE that since the first newspaper was published in 1690 through the turn of the century defined by the year 2000, newspapers have served as the most important medium for holding politicians accountable in an objective and fair manner?…the journalists of old were all about accuracy, fairness, checking their sources, and of course being good citizen businesses?…capitalism has rewarded newspaper owners with status, prestige, and profits turning names like Hurst, Bingham, and Scripps into household names?

IS IT TRUE that it is no secret that the newspaper industry has been falling on hard times for at least a decade?…from the New York Times to every daily news based paper in the country the struggle to survive has meant cuts to staff and the associated lowering the bar when it comes to quality?…it seems as though any small to medium-sized daily paper that once captured a reader’s attention for a half-hour a day is now only capable of keeping one’s attention for less than 10 minutes? …we are being told by friends in the mainstream media if the out of town conglomerate that owns the Evansville Courier and Press don’t pay strict attention to the business at hand they could be forced to publish online only? …we hope that this doesn’t happen because we also enjoy reading a printed newspaper?

Todays non scientific but trendy “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the EVSC Administration should respond to Attorney Charles Berger’s request for financial information?

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  1. I think Danks should apply for the city council attorney position. That way he could keep an eye on his two enemies, Mosby and Weaver.

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