Free Publications Available



I think there is another part of my role as a state lawmaker that goes beyond passing laws and helping you cut through government red tape to respond to your concerns.

That would be letting you know about the vast array of services and programs that are available to you through state government. In that light, I want to take a few moments to let you know about some of the publications available through my Statehouse office that provide useful and helpful information in a wide range of subject areas.

Here are just a few of the publications you can obtain for free through my office or simply print them on line from my Statehouse website:

– Indiana Veterans Benefits Guide provides information on state and federal programs available to those who have served in the military. I also can provide a guide telling you about Consumer Discounts for Veterans and Military Personnel.

– Hoosier Fun Facts and Games provides an entertaining way for kids to learn about our state.

– Higher Education in Indiana is a guide to educational opportunities, as well as the financial aid that can be available to enable you to attend.

– In Case of Emergency gives you instructions and checklists to follow to make sure you are prepared in the event of emergencies.

– An Information Guide for Senior Citizens offers useful health, legal and financial information for older Hoosiers.

– Women’s Health Guide for Hoosiers provides information about nutrition and other health concerns.

– Indiana Consumer Protection Guide gives ways to protect yourself from frauds, scams and crime.

– The Indiana Guide to State Agencies tell you who to contact if you have a problem, question or concern.

– The 2013 Digest of Enactments tell you more about the new laws we passed in the recent session of the Indiana General Assembly.

My office also offers a series of handouts that can tell you more about How a Bill Becomes a Law, offers details on the General Assembly’s Page and Intern programs, and gives you information on the Indiana Foreclosure Prevention Network’s Hardest Hit Fund.

How can you get any or all of these publications?

Simply drop me a line by email, through the toll-free Statehouse telephone number of 1-800-382-9842, or through snail mail in care of the Indiana House of Representatives, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204.

You also can print out one of these guides by going to my website and clicking on the Publications button at the top.