IS IT TRUE August 2, 2013

Mole #3 Nostradamus of Local Politics
Mole #3 Nostradamus of Local Politics

IS IT TRUE August 2, 2013

IS IT TRUE that a timeline of events that can be used to figure out the order of actions with respect to the series of “drafts”, revisions, and final versions of the McGladrey Study of the IT status of the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County?…just as Mayor Winnecke and others have asserted there was indeed a “draft” version of the report issued by McGladrey and the date on that “draft” is MARCH 20, 2013?…that “draft” was provided to MRC (Evansville’s IT contractor) who proceeded to write a 114 page manifesto to rebut some of the “keeping the lights on” comments in the MARCH 20, 2013 “draft”?…despite this McGladrey billed the City of Evansville just over $112,000 on MARCH 24th for “IT Assessment and Executive Overview”, the Controller’s Office stamped the bill received on APRIL 1, 2013 and paid the bill in early MAY 2013?…McGladrey issued the “IT Assessment and Executive Overview” to the Mayor’s office on APRIL 8, 2013 and did not mark the report as either “draft” or “preliminary” anywhere on it?…that should have been the end of the story and the City Council should have been issued a copy of the APRIL 8th report at that time?…life is just not so easy when politics is involved?

IS IT TRUE on that very same APRIL 8, 2013 day that the first McGladrey report was issued, the City of Evansville issued another Purchase Order #2880-00 for over $50,000 to McGladrey to do a “Technology Assessment”?…we and many of our readers wonder just what the 2nd Purchase Order was for?…it seems very much like the second Purchase Order would have been used to bill for time and expenses to review the 114 page manifesto from MRC and integrate it into a SECOND FINAL REPORT that was eventually supplied to the City Council and the public in late JULY 2013?…the CCO has not at this point been able to get the billing records or invoices from McGladrey with respect to PO #2880-00 but we are trying?…the McGladrey billing records for time and expenses after April 8, 2013 will provide information as to just how the scathing report of April 8th became the less scathing report of July 23rd?…it appears that the Office of the Mayor believes that neither the Evansville City Council nor the people of this town can handle the un-sugar coated truth about how OUR IT DEPARTMENT appears to a respected outside evaluation team?

IS IT TRUE that given that one of the reasons that Sherman Greer was fired by Mayor Winnecke was for buying $2,000 worth of radio equipment without soliciting competitive bids it is fair to ask the question “may we see the solicitation and the competitive bidding records for when the IT consulting contract was signed by the City of Evansville”?…our civic center moles tell us this happened in the last days of the Weinzapfel Administration and that former Mayor Weinzapfel along with current Mayor Winnecke (who was then a Vanderburgh County Commissioner) got together to sign the 5 year contract?…what our moles and the CCO are not aware of is whether or not this nearly $1 Million deal was part of a competitive bidding solicitation or if it was just signed off by the two high ranking elected officials without a bidding process?…this issue can be easily resolved if the Winnecke Administration will release the bidding record and the solicitation that resulted in this contract being signed?…if this contract of close to $1 Million was entered into without a competitive bidding process and then Mr. Greer was fired for not sending a $2,000 radio out for bids this will constitute the height of hypocrisy and the intent behind such a deal needs to be investigated?

IS IT TRUE the events of July that may be seen as totally negative to some offer a glimmer of hope that the City of Evansville may in spite of its tradition of letting some things slide while coming down like a ton of bricks on some unsuspecting scapegoat may be tending toward honesty and accountability?…July started out with the firing of Sherman Greer and the hiring of his #1 sidekick who was then summarily fired by Mayor Winnecke after only a few days on the job?…the things that led to the firing of these two long term and competent employees was jumping the gun and spending this year’s money on a truck that was to have been budgeted for next year and buying a radio for that truck without soliciting bids?…in view of the budget of the City of Evansville the number of dollars involved were miniscule but the offense did merit a consequence none the less?…if the actions of the City with respect to Mr. Greer and the exposure of this administration for obstructing the City Council from doing their job are not enough to force Evansville to straighten up and stop the good old boy nonsense, then nothing ever will?…the solution to the problems of multiple sets of rules for multiple people and a “let it slide” mentality for some but a “chained to the whipping post” mentality toward others can only be solved by mass voter demand for equality, fairness, and sanity in local government?…it would be most amusing to hear an 8 year old try to lie their way out of the messes made by the Mayors of Evansville during the last 10 years?


  1. Somebody can double-check me here, but I don’t believe services have to go out for bid.

    I know that the original contract for computer services went out to bid because of dissatisfaction with the old provider.

    It is pretty common practice for the incumbent (in any industry) to provide a better deal towards the end of their contract to get you to sign with them and not go out to bid.

    I know that AT&T does this all of the time. Better deal, all you have to do is sign an extension.

    Like I said, double-check me.

    • Do you mean services like installing a radio in a truck? That was 75% of the radio bill that Greer got fired for.

  2. Looks more like the Greer Drama was out there as a diversion ploy, that not only, did not relegate this Report to the shadows, but backfired on the Mayor’s spin/image advisors as well. Bad Advice yielded Bad Karma!

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