“Right Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” OCTOBER 13, 2019

“Right Jab And Middle Jab And Left Jab” was created because we have a couple of commenters that post on a daily basis either in our “IS IT TRUE” or “Readers Forum” columns concerning National or International issues.
The majority of our “IS IT TRUE” columns are about local or state issues, so we have decided to give our more opinionated readers exclusive access to our newly created “LEFT JAB and Middle Jab and RIGHT JAB”  column. They now have this post to exclusively discuss national or world issues that they feel passionate about.
We shall be posting the “LEFT JAB” AND “MIDDLE JAB” AND “RIGHT JAB” several times a week.  Oh, “LEFT JAB” is a liberal view, “MIDDLE JAB” is the libertarian view and the “RIGHT JAB is representative of the more conservative views. Also, any reader who would like to react to the written comments in this column is free to do so.

Today’s “Readers Poll’ question is:  If the election was held today in the City Council 1st Ward who would you vote for?

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com


  1. It’s only a matter of time before AOC and Pocahontas will follow Cuba’s lead:

    Communism: Cuba Urges Citizens to Eat Banana Peels

    Radio Rebelde, the website of a state-sponsored radio station in Cuba, published an article urging Cubans to eat banana and plantain peels and use them as painkillers and skin cleansers, astute online observers noted on Thursday.

    The Cuban interest website Periódico Cubano picked up on this week’s lifestyle advice from the Communist Party noting the extreme food, medicine, and fuel shortages in the country currently, the result of over half a century of communist rule and the collapse of the regime’s oil-rich colony Venezuela….

    “Plantain or banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world,” the article began. “What you might not know is that the peel is just as nutritious as the interior: it contains iron, potassium, and vitamins B, C, and K and, if that were not enough, also contains good amounts of manganese, fiber, antioxidants, and copper.”

    Among the uses for banana peel the article recommends is to smear it on the face for clearer, healthier skin; to use in healing mosquito bites; to wipe across the forehead as a painkiller; to whiten teeth by brushing them with peel; and to “improve humor.”…..

  2. Spartacus update:

    Cory Booker Twists Old Testament Bible Verse To Further LGBT Agenda

    Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey on Thursday used an Old Testament Bible verse to buttress his support for LGBT Americans.

    The comment came during a CNN town hall event devoted to LGBT issues in which the Democratic presidential candidates attending vied with each other to show their willingness to support LGBT voters.

    Booker was responding to a UCLA student who attended an all-girls Catholic high school in New Jersey. She complained that her high school would not allow an “LGBTQ-plus club.”

    Booker cited Micah 6:8 as he responded.

    “It said in Micah, ‘Oh what do you want from your Lord? Oh what is it you want from your people?’” Booker said…..

  3. Acting ICE Director Albence Says DNA Tests Helped Identify ‘More Than 1,000 Cases’ of Fake Families at the Border

    You can keep telling people that the children who are separated from the adult they arrive with at the southern border of the U.S. is done for the child’s safety all you want. Some people just want so badly to believe the media and left narrative that it’s being done just because the U.S. is a terrible place, that they won’t even listen to reason.

    With this report, hopefully they’ll listen now.

    While answering questions following a Thursday press conference, acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said that new DNA testing the agency has been using aided in detecting more than 1,000 fake families attempting to cross the southern border.

    “We are utilizing DNA sampling right now in the border environment trying to ferret out the false families,” Albence said. “Many of the individuals that are coming to this country are not legitimate families.”

    Albence went into detail and explained further about the amount of “families” that are attempting to enter the country under the false pretense that they’re legitimate families…..


  4. Who needs ICE?

    Report: Alleged Rapist Illegal Alien Released Despite Detainer Request, Goes Straight to Alleged Victim’s Home

    An illegal alien has been arrested by federal immigration officials after local officials in Oklahoma released him despite a lodged detainer request.

    Thankfully ICE was able to track down 38-year-old Salvadorian national Antonio Ulises Perez, but not before the alleged rapist went back to his alleged victim’s home to “re-victimize” and harass her and others…..


  5. The lunacy of liberals – racist chicken sandwiches:

    New Orleans Public School Rejects Free Lunch from Chick-Fil-A to Respect LGBTQ Staff

    On Thursday, October 11, 2019, a New Orleans public charter school rejected a complimentary teachers’ lunch from Chick-Fil-A in an expression of solidarity with the LGBTQ community.

    Steven Corbett, the principal of Lusher Charter School, declared in a statement that Chick-Fil-A’s values did not conform with the school’s “culture of kindness.”

    “Out of respect to our LGBTQ staff, we have chosen to not serve Chick-Fil-A at an employee lunch. The #1 rule at Lusher is to ‘Be Kind,’ and we live this motto every day,” the principal said, according to a report from local CBS affiliate WWL…..


  6. When liberals are in charge:

    Illinois Preparing to Initiate New Radical Transgender School Curriculum

    Deep blue Illinois recently passed a law requiring schools to indoctrinate its young school children in radical transgenderism.

    Starting in July of next year, Illinois teachers will be forced to teach “LGBTQ history” to all of the state’s public school children.

    The state pushed this indoctrination as a net positive.

    Trending: Watch: Jane Fonda Get Arrested in DC During Climate Change Protest

    “Imagine a generation of Illinois students having learned the positive contributions of LGBTQ people to U.S., Illinois, world history,” Brian Johnson, CEO of the radical gay group Equality Illinois, told Illinois Public Media. “I think it’s only going to have a positive effect on our society’s view of LGBTQ people.”

    The bill’s sponsor, Democrat state Rep. Anna Moeller, added that the main purpose of the new Illinois rules is to indoctrinate kids into imagining that the gay lifestyle is entirely normal and good…..


  7. You just can’t make up left wing liberal think:

    Loony Leftie Professor Claims SpongeBob Squarepants is a ‘Colonizer’ Who Normalizes ‘Violence’ and ‘Racism’

    Apparently the far-left has finally run out of real racists to complain about, because now they are going after the beloved cartoon character Spongebob Squarepants.

    University of Washington anthropology professor Holly M. Barker wrote an entire paper about how the cartoon is problematic and normalizing “violence” and “racism” titled “Unsettling SpongeBob and the Legacies of Violence on Bikini Bottom.”…..

    Barker claimed that SpongeBob SquarePants may cause children to “become culturally acculturated to an ideology that includes the US character SpongeBob residing on another people’s homeland.”

    “We should be uncomfortable with a hamburger-loving American community’s occupation of Bikini’s lagoon and the ways that it erodes every aspect of sovereignty,” Barker concluded.

    The ridiculous paper was published in The Contemporary Pacific: A Journal Of Island Affairs, which is meant to cover “social, economic, political, ecological and cultural topics.”…..


  8. These truths will upset the ACLU and gender fluid types:

    William Barr warns of ‘militant’ secularism in speech about declining religious values

    Attorney General William Barr said declining religious values and the loss of the “traditional moral order” is causing many of society’s ills.

    Speaking at the University of Notre Dame Law School Friday, Barr said that because of a “moral upheaval” there has been an increase in drug use, children born out of wedlock, and people being alienated.

    “The campaign to destroy the traditional moral order has coincided and I believe has brought with it immense suffering and misery. And yet the forces of secularism, ignoring these tragic results, press on with even greater militancy,” the attorney general said.

    Barr, 69, is a devout Catholic. During the speech, he touched on efforts by the Justice Department to assist faith-based organizations that fight for religious liberty. He also warned about the “progressive” movement in U.S. politics.

    Attorney General William Barr said declining religious values and the loss of the “traditional moral order” is causing many of society’s ills.

    Speaking at the University of Notre Dame Law School Friday, Barr said that because of a “moral upheaval” there has been an increase in drug use, children born out of wedlock, and people being alienated.

    “The campaign to destroy the traditional moral order has coincided and I believe has brought with it immense suffering and misery. And yet the forces of secularism, ignoring these tragic results, press on with even greater militancy,” the attorney general said.

    Barr, 69, is a devout Catholic. During the speech, he touched on efforts by the Justice Department to assist faith-based organizations that fight for religious liberty. He also warned about the “progressive” movement in U.S. politics.


    • It’s really hard to imagine how a catholic or a Jew can be a democrat. The democrats have proven again and again that they hold nothing but disdain for Catholics and Jews. I guess once you get to the point that it’s OK to kill babies and sell their body parts all else is easy to rationalize away.

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