Home Breaking News “IS IT TRUE” SEPTEMBER 2, 2019



We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE we predict that sometime in October 2019 an announcement will be made by the Vanderburgh County officials that they have agreed to renovate the County jail?  …we predict that the renovated jail will meet our needs for at least 20 years?

IS IT TRUE we are told that several mover and shakers would like to turn the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Coliseum in downtown Evansville into a Military Museum?  …we are told that they are getting tired of seeing this historic gem being used as a bingo parlor?

IS IT TRUE we find it entertaining that some of the current staff at Ellis PARK are trying to take credit for what former owner Ron Geary has implemented over the years?
IS IT TRUE that the price for a gallon of regular gasoline at Sams  Club is currently $ 2.12?  …all we can say about this is that you don’t have to cross the money-saving bridge to save money on gas?
IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer’s Living Outside the Box speaker series is off to a great start and plans for the next several months are sure to impress?…this series was started in May of 2019 with Joe Wallace who is the author of the book by the same name being the original speaker?… Joe was in town for the first leg of a trip that took him to Dallas, Evansville, Charlotte, New York City and Phoenix before landing back in Palm Springs California?… Joe just completed a tour of Europe with stops in Rome, Florence, Olympia, Athens, Ephesus, Mykonos, Rhodes, Santorini, and Madrid?…at this point the book has recorded sales in 40 states and 8 countries?
IS IT TRUE that Evansville may have slowed down on shootings this year but it is making up for it with stabbings?…it is going to be interesting to see if there are more stabbings than shootings by the end of the year?…this trend is not confined to Evansville as many places are seeing stabbings rise as the homicidal weapon of choice?…the reality is that knives are cheaper than guns and are more easily concealed?…knives are also silent killers so neighbors won’t call law enforcement because of the silence of a stabbing?…high tech devices like spot more shot that can pinpoint the location of gunshots is also completely useless in detecting the sound of a stabbing?…you don’t have to reload a knife so maintenance and ammunition costs are zero?…this is likely to continue as stabbing is a cheaper and less detectable way to commit murder?
IS IT TRUE it is widely reported that there are so many jobs available in the United States that anyone that wants a job who has even a nominal skill can find a job?…for the first time in history, there are more jobs than job seekers?…the problem is that many of the jobs have skill requirements that the job seekers do not have?…another reality is that often the jobs are not in the same location as the job seekers?
IS IT TRUE that in past times of prosperity, people would just sell their houses and move for a better job but this time things are different because many house values have still not recovered from the real estate meltdown of 2008 – 2011?…people are locked into their homes because of negative equity and can’t take advantage of the job opportunities that relocation may offer?… Evansville is no exception with an overabundance of job openings that are waiting for qualified applicants?
IS IT TRUE to hear the mainstream media one would think that we are heading into a recession?…the mainstream media must not be looking at the employment statistics, job openings, or other leading economic indicators?…it seems they hate President Trump so much that they are cheering for a recession that would negatively impact the entire nation?…that would be like cheering for the home team to lose and it is a truly deplorable thing to broadcast?
IS IT TRUE in 2013, Sgt. Cullum founded “Cops Connecting with Kids”?  … to date, this unique partnership between law enforcement, schools, and the community has provided all-expenses-paid trips to Walt Disney World for 166 underserved kids from Evansville?  …we give five (5) cheers to Sgt. Cullum and his many volunteers for creating this unique partnership between law enforcement and our kids living in the Center City?
Todays “Readers Poll” question Is: Do you feel that the not-for-profit City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission should use taxpayers money to fund a grocery venture on North Main?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, Local OBITITARIES, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.
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