AG Curtis Hill hosts crime prevention forum in Vigo County


Attorney General Curtis Hill today hosted a crime prevention forum in Terre Haute as part of a listening tour that involves visiting 14 cities across the state of Indiana. The purpose of the tour is to facilitate conversations aimed at developing solutions to residents’ crime-related concerns. Terre Haute is the fourth stop on the listening tour with the next two stops planned to take place in Merrillville and Lafayette on September 10, 2019.

“It’s been extremely helpful touring the state to hear about the issues on the minds of residents in each community,” Attorney General Hill said. “Using information gathered at these events, we will keep working to make a positive difference in the lives of Hoosiers across Indiana.”

The Office of the Attorney General has collected and will continue to collect feedback at each forum and present its findings at the office’s 10th Annual Drug Abuse Symposium on Oct. 29-30, 2019. For more information about the 10th Annual Drug Abuse Symposium and to register, click the following link: